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Everything posted by roundtop03

  1. yeah ill have some pics up on park site of roundtops website friday of what we have.. you can also keep checking the ski roundtop cameras
  2. Heres the deal for the jam so far.. Our snow source had a ton of snow but the rain washed a lot of it away im sure, we will have the jam no matter what though. We will have snow for the jam so it will be good. As for the rails, we will be having a 20ft flat box about 2ft high and 6-8 inches wide. Also a 20ft single barrel rail and possible a roller box that will be new. Features may change though depending on snow but i can assure atleast the flat box and single barrel rail. As for prizes and stuff, we have a pair of Troublemakers for 1st place skiers, tons of stuff from burton, we got some shirts, goggles, sunglasses, posters, and more goodies for the video premier. It should be a fun time so get on out to the jam! Registration is from 9-10:15. MAKE SURE YOUR ON TIME, I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE RIDERS!!!!!
  3. i had fun in their park last year..i know it wasnt that good but it was fun to hit as many features as i did in one run..plus it was like close to the beginning of the season and got my 5's dialed in that day
  4. Bump Rail Jam Registration is from 9-1015 not 9-11. If you cant get there till later but wanna hit it we will work something out. Setup wise: It looks like its shaping up to be a single barrel flat rail, an up-flat box and a flat box about 20ft long and 6 inches wide. It could change though. We are probably going to use the paintball truck drop in to save snow so we can have a session on sunday for 5 or 10 bucks for a few hours. Who knows what mother nature will bring though...Prizes from Burton last year included a board and we have some stuff for skiers finally!
  5. I brown sheet my time haha..unless I clock in, off mountain work is brown sheeted
  6. there will be a bunch of stuff..i can let you know as the time gets closer..so far i got some lanyards from dynastar, two shirts and a pair of troublemakers (which ill probably use for the 1st place prize at the jam) but then whatever else i get ill throw out/ give out..level 1 said they are sending abunch of stuff and more from sponsors..lets hope we get more stuff!!!
  7. It is right outside harrisburg like said above^ about 20min from harrisburg city. Its in Lewisberry, Pa.
  8. oh boy haha..there should be a lot of goods flowing from what it sounded like level 1 was going to send us..burton will also be there.. we may end up having to do the rail jam off our paintball truck drop in with snow issues..it just depends on how cold the weather is and how much snow we can keep around
  9. As of now its going to be atleast a flat box..we will make the setup pretty fun though so don't worry about that..the park manager starts working very soon so once he gets in we will be talking more about it.
  10. sweet maydick stay in vt, we don't want you anymore
  11. Im pretty sure ill be at bear creek a good amount this year. The days i dont work at roundtop I will be up..maybe once a week.
  12. Sick! It will be a fun time.. I know the premier is a little late and many people will have seen it but its one of those movies you can watch over and over and still never get sick of the riders.
  13. It would be worth the drive nick! It's not that bad..get a couple kids to come with too!
  14. Last season Roundtop,Liberty and Whitetail brought a bunch of their older gear up and sold it for pretty cheap..There is also used consignment sales too. I picked up some stuff last year for a pretty good price. It should be a fun day!
  15. looks sick! nice edit guys!
  16. November 1 Ski Roundtop will be holding its Fall Extravaganza (Sales Sales Sales, Consigned Equipment ETC) We will also be holding our annual rail jam and new this year, a video premier! Here are some details with more to follow: November 1 Rail Jam Sponsored By Burton Snowboards, last year they provided tons of swag and boards and goggles and backpacks filled with gear and etc! After the jam/session there will be a video premier of Level 1's new movie TURBO. I know a lot will have already seen it but there will be swag here too! Roundtop Rail Jam Registration 9AM-11AM Cost: $10 bucks and gets you into the premier with your BIB Jam/Session Starts 12:00PM-2:30/3:00PM Categories: Skiers/Boarders depending on the number of riders we may break it down more, its just for fun mainly with dope prizes 3:30 or 4 is the TURBO premier. Like I said rail jam bib gets you in for free. If you didnt enter the jam is $2 bucks to get in, not to bad. Level 1 is going to provide tons of swag as well so it should be a fun event. I am looking to get this event on all snow but we have a drop in if need be so the event will go on. My idea is to have a few smaller sized rails (2-4) and have some fun, then watch a sick new video!
  17. November 1 Ski Roundtop will be holding its Fall Extravaganza (Sales Sales Sales, Consigned Equipment ETC) We will also be holding our annual rail jam and new this year, a video premier! Here are some details with more to follow: November 1 Rail Jam Sponsored By Burton Snowboards, last year they provided tons of swag and boards and goggles and backpacks filled with gear and etc! After the jam/session there will be a video premier of Level 1's new movie TURBO. I know a lot will have already seen it but there will be swag here too! Roundtop Rail Jam Registration 9AM-11AM Cost: $10 bucks and gets you into the premier with your BIB Jam/Session Starts 12:00PM-2:30/3:00PM Categories: Skiers/Boarders depending on the number of riders we may break it down more, its just for fun mainly with dope prizes 3:30 or 4 is the TURBO premier. Like I said rail jam bib gets you in for free. If you didnt enter the jam is $2 bucks to get in, not to bad. Level 1 is going to provide tons of swag as well so it should be a fun event. I am looking to get this event on all snow but we have a drop in if need be so the event will go on. My idea is to have a few smaller sized rails (2-4) and have some fun, then watch a sick new video!
  18. im picking up the 6'4 fish santa cruz on tuesday...the one on the right is going for 225 if i remember correctly
  19. very interested in either 3 of the surfboards preferably the first two listed..any pics and are any of them still available?
  20. are you trying to apply for a job?
  21. roundtop03

    Grab it up

    size on the custom?
  22. i had no problem landing..you just had to tell people to move, they didnt want to get run over..i thought it was one of the best riding days of the year! so many people throwing down
  23. im pretty sure NO LIFT, and they have enough snow to cover like the bottom third of boulder park and they will make it as wide as they can..more info to come as they start pushing out the snow
  24. i rode with him a coupe times this season.. he is a real cool guy and he is always way busy..
  25. ^ to easy... ....waaayyy to easy...
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