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Everything posted by Ski4Food

  1. Jr Skis are designed for kids under 110 lbs. If you're looking to get a couple years out of it go with a soft adult ski. They'll hold up a lot better if he's going in the park or hard on his equipment. Thanks for getting him off ski blades and bettering his life as a whole. He'll thank you in the end!
  2. I had a chance to ski the '08 model last winter and it didn't ski bad. It's probably the best ski from line. I'd mount it true center given its symetrical side cut. It's got soft tip and tail which makes it super buttery. It also has hinge points in the ski. Hold the tip down on a table and chair and lift the ski, you'll see where the pivot point is. It's about a quarter of the way down the ski. They do this by having two different types of wood for the ski. If you ski a lot of park you can't go wrong, but if you're looking for a ski that will do well all over the mountain look at the Line Chronic. But in my oppinon if you don't like the Invader go with another brand.
  3. The park sucks, but it is getting better! As far as the mountain it's awesome. It gets a decent amount of snow and is in a totally different climate than most of PA. The Glades are sweet and there's some good steeps and bumps when the snow is good. It's about an hour north of elk or 45 minutes north of Binghamton. Hope this helps! Greek is my home mountain, so if you have any questions please let me know!
  4. Ski4Food

    New Skis Please

    Volkl AC3 K2 Apache Stryker Salomon X-Wing Tornado Rossignol Z5
  5. Greek's Open! WWW.GreekPeak.net
  6. If you like the B2 then you'll like the B4. It's a good ski and perfect for Vail and Colorado. It floats well in powder, not the best but it'd make the top 15 in my powder ski choice. It also handles the front side pretty well, so you won't be struggling to get back to the lift. All in all good ski!
  7. Check out The Meathead Films movie "Born From Ice" they have some awesome Newfoundland segments!
  8. The 7:30 to 10:00 is nothing! It's that 10:00 to 7:30 thats the real challenge. Yeah the lifts are slow and you spend a lot of time on them, but that's all part of the challenge. There's a lot to be said about skiing at 3 AM. Last year there were only 4 of us left on the mountain after 3:30 AM. It's a pretty weird feeling! The fact that I had skied for 24 hours straight didn't hit me until the sun came up the next morning. That last hour was by far the longest of the whole day.
  9. It's time to start thinking challenge....Vertical Challenge that is! Planning is already underway to make the second annual Vertical Challenge event at Greek Peak even bigger and better! With your help, last years event raised an amazing $45,000! The donations will be applied to Cancer Education, Research, Advocacy and Patient Services. Save the Date - This years event will be held on March 3-4, 2007. In continuing the success we hope to double our teams, registered skiers & snowboarders and beat the tallied number of runs from last year (5,191 runs) (4,941,832 vertical feet)! It's never to early to start fundraising. Team Captains that register their teams before November 1st will receive a special gift. Visit the below site and register today. Sign up! Set up! Send! -It's that simple! http://www.acsevents.org/vc/greekpeak Looking forward to seeing you on the slopes! Many Thanks, Planning Committee 2007 Side Note - It would be great to see a PASR Team this year! I know how hardcore you all are and we would love the challenge! I've joined the winning team from last year and we're stoked to defend our title! If you have any questions please let me know or visit the above website!
  10. I'm came back for a girl But I really enjoy the Finger Lakes Area - The skiing isn't as good but still not too bad and I really enjoy the lakes in the summer. The girl is no longer in the picture so I'm once again setting my sights north. Gore maybe?
  11. I never said she straightlined it - she made about 5 GS turns and was down without a problem. She had been skiing for about a year at that point and had followed me down some other steep stuff. WL is steep, but its really not that steep in my opinion. But then again I've lived out west and have spent a few seasons making Stowe and Jay my home.
  12. I'm not longer the Rep for Greek Peak. I now run a ski shop in Corning New York and have taken my passion for the industry to the retail side to determine wether I want to make a career in marketing ski resorts or working with equipment. Now that I'm no longer affiliated with Greek Peak I can speak the truth on a lot of things that were censored by the man. So here goes! Denton will most likely not be open on the 24th of November. It will take an act of the snow gods to have them open by that weekend. But we can hope. If your dad is getting a cabin in Denton you are not totally out of luck. Within a couple hour drive from your cabin in Denton there should be a few resorts open. Greek Peak will most likely make the push and be open that weekend - They usually open the weekend after hunter and it's not crowded. They also have REALLY good ski and stay packages that start around 70 bucks per person (lift ticket, breakfast, and based on double occupancy) so that might be something to consider. Check out www.greekpeak.net for more details Also pretty close is Swain Mountain. Pretty small but should be up and running that weekend and they usually push to have some sort of a part up and running early on, and they do almost no advertising which means very little crowds. Goto www.Swain.com Another good bet will be Bristol Mountain. Another Snowmaking powerhouse and will have some decent terrain open early. Www.bristolmountain.com However they will most likely be crowded with the crowds they draw from Rochester. But they have a high speed quad that gets you to the top of 1200 vertical feet in 4 1/2 minutes. You can never go wrong there. And your best bet would be Holiday Valley. They'll be open for sure, and probably not as crowded as Hunter, Windham or Bellayre. Denton's "steepest in the east" claim is quite a long shot, but the run is pretty gnarly and the gladed run Extreme has been cleaned up and thinned of all the brush this summer. The past few years (the snow has sucked and its been closed most of the time) it hasn't been all that skiable - but this year that should be a really fun run if we get some snow. Denton is under new management and they are really working hard to turn that mountain around. Look for big things from Denton in the next few years! Denton's is steeper and has trees! I could see the average being 28. It mellows towards the bottom but the first 15-20 turns are as good as I've ever had in PA!
  13. Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone!!
  14. Ski4Food

    Salomon SPK

    Look into the Tecnica Vento 10. It's one people don't think of everyday and is very comparable to the Foil boot. While we're talking boots from Salomon, has anyone tried the Gun boot on? I really liked the foil boot, but I need something stiffer. If you have let me know, I'd be very interested to hear your take.
  15. Ski4Food

    Salomon SPK

    I think the SPK boot would be a perfect fit for Nipples. Both his size and skiing style. He will lose some perfromance on the rest of the mountain, but gain a lot more in the park.
  16. I skied at denton a bunch of time in college. It's a pretty fun mountain to ski a few times a year. I'm used to larger NY mountains, so Denton seemed small to me, but I would say you're about right saying it's a little larger than bear. On a good snow year it can be epic. They may not have the steepest in the east, but it's probably the steepest in PA. They have a super steep bump run that's a lot of fun, and then a run that's the same pitch but with trees. So on a good snow year that run can be epic. It's usually never crowded, the lifts are slow, and the mountain is somewhat outdated, but prices are cheap, and the whole skiing experience is much like that of 30 years ago. The park isn't bad, it needs work, but it's getting better every year, and there's a bunch of guys down there who can really rip. Overall it's a fun place to ski a few times a year, and a nice challenge on a good snow year. Potter county on the other hand is like a scene from deliverance. There's a whole lot of nothing out there! If you have any other questions PM me or something.
  17. You've got that right! I'd keep them, but I need boat parts! I'm planning on getting some again next year. But probably this years model again. Next years looks like the people from American Eagle designed them!
  18. Yeah you're right... I was just hoping for some sort of a return on them. If anyone's interested make me an offer.
  19. There was a typo in that guys... The Bindings are the S912TI's not the 910 like I typed. They're in pretty good condition. They have about 75 days on them, so they show some wear, but I took care of them, and you're right. They are very light for a ski of that size.
  20. The Salomon Foil's are a great ski! They are 85 under foot, and handle everything from bumps to moderate pow, and they also rip up the groomed stuff when you want to put them on edge and carve stuff up! I've got a pair of 174's with S910TI Bindings that I might be looking to sell for around 350 + shipping. It's a great ski for anyone! Let me know if you're interested.
  21. How does $250 + Shipping sound!??! Any Takers!?!
  22. Thank you very much, I'll keep that in mind. They may be around next season. I don't really need the money, but then again I don't really need the skis either. I was thinking if I wait until next year I can most likely get more for them, seeing as people usually spend more in the fall to get ready for the season, but if I can aide someone's progression in the sport by losing some $$ then it's all well worth it!
  23. $270 + shipping?
  24. Hey everyone, I'm selling an almost new pair of 2005 Salomon 1080's. Details: Size: 161 cm Bindings: Salomon S810 TI (Light) Use: Perfect condition, only skied about 6 times The bindings are mounted for a boot size of 28.0-28.5 (10 1/2 or 11) It's a great park and pipe ski, and it's awesome in the bumps! It would be great for someone used to a shorter ski or someone younger or for a heavier or taller girl! I'm looking to sell them for $300, but I will take offers. The whole pacakge new was $400! Let me know if you're interested, either post or PM. I'll try to get some pictures up this weekend or early next week!
  25. Hey everyone, Greek Peak will be open until April 9th! We got a few inches of fresh snow today, and it's expected to snow a little bit each day for the next week or so! We still are offering our great deals to our friends from PA! We offer BearCreek pass holders a discount on daily lift tickets and we're still offering our $78 ski and stay package at local hotels! That's $78 for a room (double occupancy), breakfast, and a full day lift ticket! If you have any questions let me know! We are also planning on stock piling some snow and having a rail jam in May or June! I'll keep you all posted on that! Have a great spring!
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