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Everything posted by Ski4Food

  1. There will be another bigger and better rail jam on Friday the 17th! $10.00 to enter No Lift Ticket Required 4:00-6:00 - Registration 5:00-6:00 - Practice 6:00-8:00 - Rail Jam Divisions - Recreational Skier Expert Skier Expert Boarder Female Boarder Rec Male Boarders 14 & Under Rec Male Boarders 14 & Over Over 30 division Female Skier Come check it out!!
  2. It's a sad day in upstate NY. My '98 K2 Winter Heats are starting to De-Lam. I guess that's not bad for almost a decade of abuse! I'm looking to buy some new bump skis. 170-180 range. I'd like a mogul specific ski. Little to no side-cut. A pair of the Winter Heats''s would be ideal but I'll take anything. If anyone has a pair of them just laying around I would be VERY interested! Leave me a post of send me a PM!
  3. There will be prizes. However, at this point I don't think they have figured out what the prizes will be. Also that weekend and during the event we will be having a mogul competition. And there are talks of also having a midnight rail jam and halfpipe competition. So there will be a lot of cool things going on as well. I also believe Nastar will be up anr running that weekend as well. The teams are made up of 2-10 people. For answers to other questions visit the website and the FAQ's section: http://www.acsevents.org/faf/home/default....7B61C7439801E1D or goto www.GreekPeak.net and follow the link!
  4. Our longest and fastest lifts do have foot rests, and each run take about 8-10 minutes, and we have 952 Vertical feet. So you do the math! I'm real glad you all are interested. I will get you more information tomorrow! So check back soon, and I'll have more answers! So if you have questions, post 'em, and I'll get you answers! Or PM me! Thanks Guys!
  5. Ski4Food

    New Skis?

    I agree the Foils are the way to go! Or last year 1080 can be picked up on E-bay fiarly cheap! Go with the Salomon TI bindings and you'll have a great VERY lightweight ski! Enjoy and goodluck!
  6. That's a perfect description of our park! Unfortunately we've been plauged with Spring in January as well, and our snow pack is suffering, and we haven't had prime park building conditions. Check back once it gets cold again and I'll keep you all up to date on how the park and the rest of the mountain is holding up! Just wondering if you made it up to the rail jam, and if so what you thought of it! There will be another on February 13th!
  7. Hey Kate, There will be a girls division. There will be Female Skier and Female Snowboarder http://www.greekpeak.net/content/rail_jam.asp Let me know if you have any questions! Be sure to come on up and bring friends!
  8. GREEK PEAK IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE: "NOT ANOTHER RAIL JAM...RAIL JAM!" ON FRIDAY FEB. 3RD. ONLY $10.00 TO ENTER AND NO LIFT TICKET REQUIRED. 4:00-6:00 PM - REGISTRATION 5:00-6:00 PM - PRACTICE 6:00-8:00 PM - RAIL JAM!! FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT US 1-800-955-2SKI OR GO ONLINE TO HTTP://WWWW.GREEKPEAK.NET This will most likely become a Friday Night Series and be held every Friday for 4-5 weeks! I'll keep you all posted!
  9. Sure can! You wouldn't have a program ticket so the mountain would be all yours to play on! I have no idea whether or not you would have to take the test, but most likely not. You'd be in a special group, and not part of our usual school programs, so I doubt you'd have to take the test. And even if you did they are offered every hour and take about 10-15 minutes. The passes aren't good forever. They last the season. The first day of the next season we clip all of last years tickets and down grade the skiers one level. So a Black from last year would start this year as a Blue, and would have to work his or her way back up.
  10. Hey everyone in PA! Greek Peak will be having the first ever 24 Hour Vertical Challenge East of The Rockies this year! The event is March 4th and 5th and will help benifit the American Cancer Society! It's a Relay for Life type event! But on Skis! The website is http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=150821 If you have any questions visit the site or let me know! It'd be great to see a PASR team come up and fight for the Vertical Challenge bragging rights! Let me know what's up and I'll keep you all posted!
  11. Park Passes aren't a bad idea. At Greek we are progressing towards them. A majority of our business comes via school programs, so on any given night there are 200-900 kids out skiing on the mountain with little to no supervison. To keep everyone safe and ensure that kids take lesson, and become better skiers, and ultimately fall in love with the sport, we require the kids to all take lessons and sticker tests or challenges. For example... A new never ever skier or boarder will come up and have to take a couple lessons before they can take their Green sticker test. In the test they need to exhibit some basic skills, and show us that they can turn, stop, and avoid other skiers and obstacles. They also need to be able to rattle of a few rules from the skier responsibility code. Once they've done this they get their Green sticker and can only ski on Green trails. There are also challenges for Blue and Black stickers which are respectively more difficult. And in order for a kid to get their black they must know all of the skier responsibility rules. Thus furthering their knowledge of the sport and how to participate safely. Last year we incorporated the terrain park into a sticker test, and now the kids must pass a Terrain park clinic and challenge before being allowed to enter the main terrain park. Until they pass this, the are only allowed access to the Progression Park (Terrain Garden). It has worked very well for us, and has kept a lot of the kids that aren't ready for the big park out. Talks are in the works for implementing the terrain park sticker idea for all of our customers, and not just the school kids. As parks continue to grow, and the tricks being done in them continue to progress safety will be even more important. I don't think it's a bad idea to limit the access of Terrain parks to those who aren't ready. Afterall we don't allow first timers to ski black bump runs. I hope that all makes sense and sheds a little light on where Greek is headed with the whole Park Pass idea!
  12. During the summer and fall I was doing a short stint as a Marketing and Sales Rep. Now that it's snowing I'm supervising our new Activities Based Training Program in the Snowsports department. The ABT program is a different form of teaching, rather than traditional line-up lessons. It is more free-ride based sessioning environment. Hey there, The park is getting a lot better. Like much of PA we've been plauged with some shitty weather, but we're slowly making a comeback. Our park should be fully up and running when you're here next month. The park has been progressing over the last few year and each year it's getting better and better. I'm working later on today so I'll take a few runs through, and then give you a more up to date report on how it is at this point, and then keep you up to date with any improvements and conditions between now and when you come up. Thanks for the question, we look forward to having you!
  13. At Greek when we sign on to work there we have to submit out license plate numbers, and if there is any thought that we may be parking to close, they look into it, and if we are too close they have a back-hoe that drags our cars to the furthest spots away from the mountain. The first time someone has to walk 3/4 of a mile to their car it sets the tone for everyone to park just that little bit further, and let the customers have the easy walk!
  14. The Fujatives are one of the cheapest twins out there, and they perform okay and look pretty cool. That's why everyone has them. But they lack in performance. I had the chance to take a few runs with Pep himself last winter and he was skiing on the PE and not his pro-model. He said his ski was sloppy at high speeds, and was hoping to change that in the future. And then I asked him if he competed with the Fujative, and one of his buddies just laughed and said no, he skis on the PE with the Fujative top sheet! Nothing against the skis, I liked them in the pipe when I skied them for one day last year, but I thought it was a funny story that I'd share with ya!
  15. I never go out without my helmet! It's one of the most important things I own! It's saved my brain quite a few times. Giro is the best out there! Try the Giro Nine or G10 and get it with the Audio Series. Skiing to music is like being in a ski movie on every run. I prefer the Giro Nine MX or the G10 MX, I do a lot of tree skiing and the visor keeps the snow out of my goggles. It also looks pretty cool too! Goodluck! PM me if you have any further questions!
  16. Just trying to be PC! That's all folks!
  17. They are both 23-25ish I do believe. I had the oppurtunity to hang out with them while on the show circut this fall, they're both pretty fun. Unfortunately I can't remember their names or if they happend to be single or not. They work in Sales and Marketing at CB. Hope that helps! I'll check my contacts and see if I can't come up with some names later for ya, but for now it's off to the inlaws! Merry Holidays!
  18. I've done it seven times (once or twice for the past 4 years) I'll be going back again this year! Earliest I've ever been was early april on an early sping year. It was even sketchy then. My buddies from Meathead films did it in February I do believe. The footage can be seen in Epoch. I'll touch on this topic more in the morning, but for now it's bedtime! I'm actually wearing my Tuck's hat right now Ohhh how I love that place! **Going to have sweetdreams tonight**
  19. Someone was right when they said local charities and food pantries are hurting this season due to the hurricanes. We all supported the hurricane victims but neglected those in our own back yards. I know the ski free day conflicts for a lot of you... But (It's just a thought and I'd like some feedback) If we tried to do another day where proceeds of ticket sales went to a good cause how many of you would be interested in coming up for the day? Or perhaps another free ski day with a canned food donation. You all are a good market study, there's a little bit of everyone on here, and I know if I can get some of you to make the drive, then people in our local market will surely be on board as well. Our season is usually a few weeks longer than yours so maybe an early sping event. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for all the great input and for adopting this NY'er into PSAR!
  20. Ahh Brantling... Have fun!
  21. Greek Peak will once again be open for FREE on Christmas Eve (December 24th) With the donation of one canned good you can enjoy the slopes from 9:30-5 and still make it home in time for midnight mass! We should have most of the mountain open and all areas of the terrain park! It'll be a great oppurtunity to come ski at Greek Peak! Let me know if you're planning on coming up! It looks to be a great day on snow! On behalf of everyone at Greek Peak "Happy Holidays"
  22. Send her up north, I'm sure we could arrange to give her a lesson or two!
  23. Ski4Food

    Ski size?

    My girlfriend is about your size and she's skiing on 152's and 154's. Listen to Papa, goto a shop and let them set you up with what's right. Every ski is different and they all ski differently at different sizes and for different people. If it's possible try to demo before you buy, so you know what you like and dislike in a ski before you lay down your hard earned $$! Goodluck and let us know what you end up with!
  24. I must first apologize, I forgot who the audience of this forum was. I'm from upstate NY... All we have is mom and pop stores, and family run shops. If I want to goto the mall, walmart, I have to drive nearly 30 miles! And what's a metroplex anyway? PA is strip-mall city (at least parts of it) And I apologize for all those poor people in detroit who are making $32 an hour that I'm screwing, because my Ford was made in Chicago. It's also sad that Wal-Mart is America's largest employer paying more people minimum wage than any other employer in the country. In case you haven't done the math... Those who make minimum wage live well below the poverty line. Papa's right... Here we go off topic!
  25. Walmart is the worst company/organization ever created! I sometimes think the Taliban does more good than Walmart! But those are just my thoughts.
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