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Everything posted by nfgdrummer21

  1. I'll be there with a few.
  2. Seeing how you spelling "bologna" wrong, your survey makes you look dumb.
  3. nfgdrummer21

    Is it...

    2 more of ski's bitches.
  4. Youre too entertaining though. And, how do you yell in a PM? Anymore?
  5. Coming after you? Youre the douchebag who threatened me over a PM you piece of shit. And Dennis, dont close this like you do for every other thread, telling me to knock it off. Thanks.
  6. Hmm, just a little awkward you would go onto to my myspace, and save pictures. I do like that picture though.
  7. Worried about being bullied? On a forum? By ski? There is no such thing. Cant put him on ignore; hes too entertaining. I just get scared of MUCH older men who always ski in tights I guess.
  8. You need to calm down. They're just giving you suggestions.
  9. I'd try to say something to ski, but I'd probably just get another PM full of his toughness.
  10. And the 8,453 posts you have all scream "I live on a forum."
  11. Ski's bitch? Yeah. Why hello there. Wanna go to Papa's beach house Cor? I heard it sounds cool.
  12. I <3333333333333333333333333333 the beachhh.
  13. Tough guy.
  14. Damn. You're right. I guess instead of sitting on a forum all day waiting to pick on teenagers, I was out having a life.
  15. Exactly. Ski just tries to be the biggest, toughest BA on a forum. I dont think Corey rides like a bitch. I think his shit is with it.
  16. I was there the 30th, and park wise, lameeeeeee.
  17. Sunday for me and some.
  18. it would be great to have the hits as nice step downs and not tables.
  19. was there a point in having the fly cam? anyway we can see videos from it? and can anyone find videos from news stations? I heard wyou and wnep got some stuff, but i cant find it anywhere.
  20. ill never forget that security guard. lmao.
  21. -needs flow. -needs better hits. -a high speed quad back up. : )
  22. watched it at least 5 times. LOVED it.
  23. heeeelllllll yesss. should be a fun day.
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