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Everything posted by adrian

  1. haha, call it what you want, but im just putting down the truth according to adrian. im matching less this season compared to the all olive drab fit of yesterseason, but i still keep it nice. as a reflex family alum, i like what i see. i have a nice column pod boost gauge around here somewhere if youre looking.
  2. the prize is 5,000 usd for the best video for each resort. if you hit four resorts, you have a chance to win twenty long. with that said, i dont foresee judges giving the same crew all four prizes even if they have the best video in each spot. actually, i dont foresee many people or even one person trying to hit all four.
  3. i might bust out my penndot green jacket in the spring. what do you have done to your gti? i thought it was a 337 like my old one but it appears to be a regular golf, 03 or older, and ...im just guessing here, 1.8t.
  4. theyll get theirs.
  5. i was going to go tomorrow, but i think im going to bump my first time to tuesday. hows the snow?
  6. this year is about simpler designs and more understated but still fresh colors mixed with neutrals because its been about being obnoxious. be one of the sheep and go fluorescent or patterned if you want, but pull it back a little if you want to keep it cutting.
  7. adrian

    Snowboard Boots

    please do, im having a footgasm, but first, what gene are you talking about?
  8. adrian

    New Board.

    im scoping out what i missed on my sabbatical.
  9. i was tempted to buy the white analog pants with the skier print, but luckily, i realized dingy off white was not going to be a flattering look. that reminds me, please dont be one of the day-late-dollar-short crew covered in patterns thinking youre on the cutting edge.
  10. dont you guys know? its all about cyber monday, baby, haha. im all about not having to deal with that mess, but i read an article that cyber monday is on the decline and that i hope isnt true.
  11. adrian

    New Board.

    i just want to say that i cant help but notice that your avatar is a burton womens division logo. that is all.
  12. country ski and sport has a store in wilkes barre and the mothership in montoursville. they have a really nice group of people and a decent stock of rome gear.
  13. this thread went pretty long without mentioning detuning the contact points. as you learn, i think a well maintained base bevel and, as method said, detuned contact points will be your best bet. you can start to detune the rest of your edges if you feel like its necessary as you transition into park, but please learn to turn first, haha.
  14. adrian


    try to vice it down if possible especially if you are experiencing a separation between layers.
  15. adrian


    though mittens arent the tops in dexterity, they will be more than enough to allow you to strap up, and their warmth is unquestionable. as mentioned, waterproofing and breathability are key. goretex is an industry standard and an excellent choice as the weatherproofing element of your gloves.
  16. adrian


    you might also want to consider integrated audio options in hats, helmets, and jackets.
  17. have you thought about cleaning your base? the decision of using base cleaner or not is up to you, but you definitely cant lose with a bulk order of the cheap wax for hot scrapes. you cant have a complete tune without getting all the dirt and shavings out of the picture.
  18. adrian

    Snowboard Boots

    if youre on the boot market, look out for heat moldable liners. fit is the most important thing with boots, and whats better than a custom tailored fit?
  19. i disagree with you in that, without a doubt, burton makes solid goods. however, people thinking burton is tops in every category are sadly mistaken and common. as for the price gouging, i agree that burton is an offender, but you cant blame them for charging what the market is willing to pay. i would never pay the often ridiculous retail price on butron goods, and proforms and other discounts keep it that way.
  20. adrian


    its interesting to see someone know about let alone own a venture snowboard. i agree with the consensus here. why not go with another obscure but solid marque in union, and ride and burton also manufacture good products. just remember to fit, fit, fit and that last years heavily discounted products are in no way outdated. what are your price range, stiffness preference, and riding style?
  21. adrian

    Ski Wax

    http://www.google.com/custom?domains=paski...askiandride.com optimum wax needs to be harder than the snow of the day. warm temperatures means softer snow and softer wax. cold temperatures means cold, hard snow and harder (read: cold temperature) wax. soft warm temperature wax gets sopped up more readily by the base and can enjoy a performance boost (albeit expensive) from fluoro and other additives. its more difficult to impregnate bases with harder wax, but hard cold temperature wax will not be penetrated by warm, soft or cold, hard snow crystals and keep you moving fast. also, fluoro additives become less effective and a waste of money in the cold. universal wax, if not just rebranded cold wax, is likely some happy medium, leaning cold. remember to keep your thirsty bases waxed up, scrape all your extra wax off, and dont get me started on structure. hey, have you guys heard of whacks wax...
  22. this is a great deal. im looking for something around this size, but i feel like i want a sintered base. intelligent technology, fantastic head build quality, and limited if not interesting graphics make this a winner.
  23. erroneous!
  24. haha, ive been good, and ill try to catch you at state college sometime.
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