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Everything posted by adrian

  1. i like down boxes. rainbow boxes are meh.
  2. that goes to show "seasons" cant indicate true experience.
  3. the lodge at the top has the cafeteria and bar in the same room with a sorry excuse for a divider between them.
  4. adrian

    New board Poll

    im going to go out on a limb here and say that he is definitely not going for fast and stiff or he is going for fast and stiff and has wandered hopelessly wayward in the boards hes mentioned.
  5. shes big mountains doug.
  6. she sounds like a keeper.
  7. adrian

    New board Poll

    actually, thats the third nay vote, haha, but whos counting? back on topic, off the top of my head, the atomic hatchet, option mirror, and rome artifact might be right up your alley. im sure that therere more.
  8. please dont post any more personal twists of the tale. proof, however, is welcome.
  9. that sounds great. good luck to you guys.
  10. adrian

    New board Poll

    the burton blunt and dom slick are absolutely nots.
  11. carpet riding will only get you rail sessions. i hope youre not aiming any higher than that. that carpet that they use is a good amount of bank. rink shavings are free but more time consuming.
  12. thats ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, and im under the impression bears park is on the sunny side of decent.
  13. the face isnt for everyone.
  14. depending on price and condition, those could be great jib sticks.
  15. i think you heard wrong.
  16. i just got back from there. its superb stuff right now.
  17. ice shavings are putrid but undeniably the best option.
  18. i dont recall many lexan resort features at all. they are most definitely polyethylene.
  19. is this really the first time youve thought of that? maybe i wonder too much.
  20. plexiglas will work but is not ideal. polyethylene is tops.
  21. adrian

    march 24-26?

    im going to try to make it to elk once more this season.
  22. a core shot is damage exposing the core.
  23. polyethylene is better.
  24. thats awesome and cute.
  25. its been done. an ice skating rink is better though.
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