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Everything posted by Black-Bandanna

  1. Will really knows his shit no matter what everyone says. One of the best diggers in the area no doubt. The jibs look sick and I know for a fact that the park crew is going to be A LOT better than the past years because I know most of them personally. They'll work hard. I'm just interested to see how the jumps come out. It's gonna be almost impossible for ANY resort to touch what Boulder had last year.
  2. HOLY SHIT. I want to hit that so bad. Where exactly is that beast?
  3. But yeah, that was me. You got some pretty sick pictures. I was wondering if I could get a hold of the footage of me from that day? I'm workin' on a promo, and that would REALLY help me out. If I see ya on NS I'll ask.
  4. Such and amazing day. Sooooooooooooooo much fun. Everyone was killin' it and going crazy.
  5. Thanks Brain by Think Thank was the best snowsports movie I've ever seen. And I'm a skier.
  6. Man, I've gotta get over there for one...
  7. ha, i like the font, chairlift, and the scorpions. i love the randomness of the scorpions just chillin at the bottom of the lift....i dont know why, i just like it...
  8. MSP always seems to dissapoint, so it will be interesting to see if they got their shit together this year.
  9. i'll be going either night. heard its great movie.
  10. I agree ^, it would be fun to tail press up it to a 3 or 1 and nose or tail press back down.
  11. Bear Creek, Yay!
  12. Make sure your not absorbing the tranny on the side of the hit.
  13. Anybody with rails the're willing to lend us for the park let us know. by the way i'm The Public Enemies brother
  14. I'd have to go with Vail for jumps. They're just so HUGE and well maintained.
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