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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Cold beer and a good time is all you need in life. At least you guys had fun with it
  2. Don't forget that the c6 corvette or whatever he had is he best car on planet earth
  3. Doug's in time out. After all he said he quit pasr
  4. I have family that lives in Germany about an hour from the German alps. I really need to visit them more. Great report now.
  5. Kyle

    Open Date

    Ah alright. They way I interpreted your post made me think they changed things up.
  6. I don't have a problem with Doug at all. I just don't like when he comes in and cunts up random threads that he doesn't have any solid input for. Example, the flyers thread, posting about cheese fries every other post in the BC threads, etc. Some of his shit is hilarious though.
  7. Kyle

    Open Date

    Wait did they re build at all?
  8. Kyle

    Elk Mountain Jingle

    Park rats from Philly are going to go to elk for park especially since they'll be driving past boulder on the way there. Elk needs to move their park off the 200 yard area it's on, build some legitimate features, then start advertising it.
  9. Kyle

    TR BC 2/14

    Yeah I'm debating it as well I'm only like 13 miles away just not sure if I have the motivation or not
  10. Kyle

    TR BC 2/14

    How's the shit show this weekend?
  11. Kyle

    TR BC 2/14

    If gss went all the ladies would have left.
  12. Kyle

    Open Date

    Just got back from bear. Everything was awesome today. The crowds were starting to roll on when I left. This weekend is going to be insane up there.
  13. Haven't been to frost in 2 years but from what I remember it really depends on the weekend. Some weekends are crazy busy (holidays, WMMR day, etc) but normal weekends don't seem to be too bad. Any frost natives feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. It's not that weird. I drink pounders on the lift all the time with families. The other day at bear the dad asked me if I had another right infront of his two kids.
  15. Kyle

    Open Date

    I'm contemplating coming up tonight after my classes are done. Ill be in the park but if i see either of you ill come take some runs on the other side. Blue pants. Grey sweatshirt. Blue and yellow oakleys.
  16. How about that dusting Doug
  17. I'm not bittercasting doug. notice how i said rain AND snow in my post? nothings going to come out of it, its going to rain, which it is right now, then when it turns to snow its going to hit the wet saturated ground and melt. thats just how it goes.
  18. Especially with the shortened seasons we've been having. It'll definatley be a boost to their revenue.
  19. That's not his point. Someone from trexlertown or Emmaus isn't going to drive past dorney to go to blues waterpark when they could just go to dorney and get two parks for the price of one or whatever their slogan is
  20. I don't think this "storm" is going to amount to anything more than rain and a dusting.
  21. Regardless if they are or not it's stupid. You're 100% right. Except the instructors that ride park as well but they're usually the ones keeping kids out of the park
  22. Nah don't worry we bitch about the instructors bringing their kids that they're teaching through the park
  23. Kyle

    Open Date

    No offense to mix. But his pictures make the features on Blackbear look small. They're not they're pretty decent sized. Tough to get a good height perception when you're on a lift though.
  24. Kyle

    Vail TR 2/9/13

    Barb laying down the law!
  25. Kyle

    Open Date

    I think I know what house you're talking about. But the number of parties has gone way down. I live in apex and there's not much going on in there on the weekends. Last year there was at least 2 parties in every building. And mix. Thanks for the pics. Looking good there
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