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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    Open Date

    Is the 38ft tube still set up or did they put the flat bar there?
  2. Craigslist. It'll be gone in a second.
  3. Kyle

    Open Date

    Yes Doug. The snow melts just as quick as it does at blue
  4. Kyle

    Open Date

    Not really worried about anything else but black bear. It'd be nice if we didn't get fucked by Mother Nature every god damn year.
  5. Kyle

    Open Date

    Anyone who rode today have an update on how their doing
  6. I would take a vintage motorcycle over a new on any day. My grandfather was a huge Vincent collector so I have a soft spot for old european bikes. Congrats on the house and wife nick.
  7. $25 on a Saturday morning is an awesome deal.
  8. Kyle

    Open Date

    Today was awesome. Blue bird skies, fast soft snow. Solid temperature. Spent most of the day filming. The park was set up nice. All of the lips to the rails sat OVER the rail but park crew was out and chopping them down pretty quick. I left at 3 and the snow was starting to get slushy. Should be an interesting next couple of days there, especially with the rain. Today was probably the most fun I've had all year. Absolutely 0 crowds until I left.
  9. Kyle

    Open Date

    For those of you that don't use Instagram here's the 3 new features they set up
  10. Kyle

    Open Date

    Bring your sunscreen today it's gonna be a bright one. Goggle tans for days
  11. Kyle

    Open Date

    Gotta agree with ya there winter.
  12. Kyle

    Open Date

    Saturday looks like a good day to sit on the deck outside the lodge and drink beer. Maybe bring a small charcoal grill up and sit in the parking lot boozing and grilling.
  13. I'd post reports from bear but we all know how much it sucks.
  14. Holy shit 7 bucks?! A yuengling at bear creek is like 3.00. Of course if you're talking craft beer 7 bucks isn't too bad
  15. Kyle

    Open Date

    WHEN we get enough snow can we get a decent sized hip in?
  16. You lost me....
  17. We need to get ski dude and papasteeze back. Always enjoyed those flame wars
  18. Damn coming at his throat on that one.
  19. I actually did get a good laugh out of it.
  20. Trolling at its finest
  21. Welcome back
  22. Kyle

    Open Date

    I just like complaining. It's actually set up pretty well but I'm so used to it being set up urban.
  23. I would like to know why ttc6 isn't allowed on the premise as well. Although fluffy could have just trolled us all.
  24. Kyle

    Open Date

    I don't know for sure but I took a run down timberline tonight and it does not seem race ready.
  25. by the looks of their facebook, id say they're doing pretty well this year.
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