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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. I’m willing to bet it won’t hurt the sale of ford excursions at all
  2. Are you buying a SP there next season?
  3. https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/02/man-dies-in-accident-at-roundtop-mountain-resort.html?utm_campaign=pennlive_sf&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social_flow_dcr2020&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=ACQ-ADH0-2036a%2F&fbclid=IwAR0WWqD5wMklhniZz8uWE73hY_W8qogEdKFAro4NePWtw2IldKMhMYts1P4_aem_AfwG1wqo6_ZxKFHUp2sKmWCgnAL-MC4ao-2IvAI8d78iv9AV9xmW_eIqzPWv_RhuoHuOV4FWwcStPMXPp_-8SvXvN1Mx5Maq_xAioO-i9W1yDFuYsvADcCEtQ-OMov5pnDA
  4. The flyers were the least embarrassing thing on tv for once
  5. Kyle

    Indy Pass

    It’s less than an hour from Hinsdale/Winchester area….. I’d take the extra 15 minute drive south to not stand in Mt Snows EPIC lift lines
  6. See last page
  7. Kyle

    Zee Lights

    Edit: nvm
  8. Don’t talk about @saltyantlike that
  9. Kyle

    Indy Pass

    I was 359 days old when little kids was released.
  10. Doesn’t look like it ever landed unless flight radars altitude is wrong on the incoming and outgoing flight from blue
  11. I find it fascinating that you can call blues lift lines a weak spot while praising epic in the same god damn post. Amazing.
  12. Longboards are great in the summer time.
  13. Yes, still ski and don’t really plan on going back to snowboarding.
  14. I’m offended
  15. Kyle

    Zee Lights

    Blue seems to sell out of season passes and day tickets just fine, they don’t need a third party in there selling discounted passes w/ multi mountain options to put meat in the seats.
  16. Kyle

    Zee Lights

  17. Just posted on their FB they’re closing at 4
  18. Yikes, heli ride is never a good thing
  19. FYI
  20. Shiiiiit I don’t even buckle top buckle on my boots most days
  21. @GrilledSteezeSandwichfriend talk
  22. I don’t really have a horse in the race here but I’d love to see the park go back to sidewinder, that jump line they had used to be one of the best in PA. NMDW is nice, but it seemed like everything was too packed in there last year.
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