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Everything posted by ColoradoHigh

  1. What did I say thats wrong? Why is everyone laughing? Is it the way I stated my response?
  2. Yep. I know. I am so excited for this winter!!!!! We are supposidly gonna have a better overall winter then the west!!!!
  3. Welcome to PASR!!!! I don't live in Kutztown, but I just wanted to wecome you here. How did you find out about PASR?
  4. Actually we are all wrong. Accuweather.com states that it will be a cold winter for us, with one or two maybe even three major Nor'Easters! I can't wait. Accuweather
  5. They're making pretty good progress on the new lift. The bottom terminal looks HUGE!!!!
  6. But maybe not. Who knows. I don't believe it.
  7. I went to the site. It looks like a nice mountain. Worth check out I guess.
  8. Oh come-on!!!! We live in PA! Not out west. Keep your snowy comments to yourself!
  9. Doug, thats probabaly the best idea you've had in awhile!
  10. Good choices.
  11. I'm not much of a park goer, but how about the new trail between Paradise and Razors edge? Hows that coming along?
  12. Are those local mountains? Some of those were at Blue Mountain right?
  13. Hopefully this is the last week of 80 degree weather. After that, cooler temps. And hurrican Florence possibily. Thats for another topic.
  14. Yea, but not this season! My bones are telling me that it will be a extra cold winter.
  15. Acutually I am seeing on different weather sites and temp. drops over the next few day, it seems like its gonna be a cold winter. The next 15 days says temps will be in the 70's and stay like that. We won't be seeing anymore 80 degree weather till next spring.
  16. I might go to the Fall Festival. Only if there is a PASR day there. Then I'm there.
  17. Lucky. Oh well, Its not like we won't be skiing too. We all will in December.....
  18. Its a wonderfull site. Gotta give some props.
  19. Wow. Bear Creek is stepping it up alot. Not only on the mountain, but on the web too. Good job Bear Creek!!!!
  20. Cool. Welcome to PASR! How did you find out about PASR?
  21. Welcome to PASR!!!!
  22. Wait, are you a health teacher?
  23. This thread is older than a year. STOP POSTING TO A THREAD THATS MORE THAN A YEAR OLD!!! ITS SO ANNOYING! Agh, school sucks, and its hard. Sorry if I came out as a hater. I don't hate you, your just new.
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