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Everything posted by Michels10

  1. cant wait!
  2. I think your all being super harsh...he was just trying to have some fun..and we all have our bored days (when theres no snow) and, were you there when i broke my arm on that battleship box?
  3. couldn't have said it better myself...even though i broke my arm last saturday at shawnee...bs to gap to fs on the battleship box and slipped out..ugh stupid mistakes. ok so anyway, shawnee came a long way this year(thanks to keith) and props to that man. i loved it. good season
  4. nice. im gonna be there in about 1 hour. cant wait
  5. yeah the pipe is a bit shallow, but when they do cut it and put work into it the pipes pretty nice. you just have to be there on the right day. i'll be there on sat.
  6. i love shawnee. its my home base oh and. i was there today also.
  7. wow, the first jump was so sick today, i was a bit dissapointed about the second jumps not being there but other than that the park was absolutly in perfect condition. nice job. oh and. are you gonna take some pics of the comp? i cant make it but i really wanna see it so if anyone takes some pics, message me. thanks
  8. I throw 9's at shawnee hahahahahaha
  9. holy shit that thing is ridiculous
  10. tight. weslo. bring the camera on sunday man...wow cant wait..keith you'll be there sunday right?
  11. when you say "hovering"...do you mean riding. or just chillin at the base..
  12. nice, mind if i hit you up for some stickers? ill be on the park the whole day. brown jacket. tan pants. burton seven board. you'll see me
  13. sssiick. sounds good.
  14. Yeah, i was there last saturday. not the best. the second landing looks perfect. just as good as the first. keep that first kicker there. maybe reshape it a bit but other than that its lookin good. also the flat down box was covered in snow *it was really hard to get enough speed to hit it with the 3'gap too. the doube box was slidin a'right...oh and the second rail was completely covered in snow. but i guess it was all for next snow search... everything else. was good. the wallride was really nice last saturday too shitty weather...why... Will be there on sunday with weslo. pray for good weather.. *OH and what time will the park be open on sunday(after next snowsearch)
  15. yo keith did you keep one of the smaller jumps twords the side. or is it all one giant 40 footer (all the way accross)... if you dont answer. i guess i'll find out tomorrow though.
  16. jea jea. saturday definiatly, sunday most likely i'll be there.
  17. wezlofilms is my idol hes basically all i want to be when i grow up... aha keith when weslo and i were there on saturday as far as i was concerned jumps were fricken perfect. a little bigger. even better. sick job. and lets see that vid. on shawnee website! **oh and i estimate the second jump was about 20 feet so yeah. not a bad size
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