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Everything posted by ole2planker

  1. I here at Park City, also. Arrived Saturday and leave tomorrow, Thursday. The snow is awesome, but for an older guy like me the flat light is tough. Sometimes the mountain skis me. Glad to read that someone else was taken out by the cat track on Widowmaker! That was a big surprise. I spent a lot of time yesterday lapping the moguls on Thaynes and the groomed Double Jack. It is nice to have some groomed blacks to help my thighs recover. Here is a photo of Thaynes yesterday. Bryan Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Absolutely. In the medical literature, it is known as HAF, high altitude flatulence! I was at Vail the first week of January. It was excellent New England conditions. Unfortunately, it was in the Rockies! The Vail grooming staff and lifties did a great job making the front side skiable everyday. For my first trip of the year, it was a mellow time. I'm heading back to Beaver Creek next week and then Keystone at the end of February.
  3. Sib, Great video with Cody Townsend. Sounds like things haven't changed much since I was there with my older daughter. Bryan
  4. Such a beautiful view and a great mountain. I'm planning trips to Deer Valley/The Canyons and Vail this winter. I'm hoping to sneak in a third trip on my wife's accumulated AmEx reward points. I decided to stop by this place and see if it had changed at all. I quickly learned that it hasn't! Bryan
  5. If you were Sib, this is what you're skiing opening day. You Tube Snow Reporter Training Video Hope the link works!
  6. Thanks for posting the beautiful photos, sib. Wish I could be there skiing (or any where else skiing, for that matter!).
  7. Ligety has really improved his performance during the season this year. If he keeps this up, he'll be a real contender in the future.
  8. And, obvously, the older racers have more class! Congratulations to all.
  9. That was just Lenny Bruce's justification. The word has its own power because of its implied violence and viciousness. Overuse merely suggests a limited vocabulary.
  10. Doug, My message was a reference to Tricky Dick Nixon, which I expect only the old timers on this board will get.
  11. Would you buy a used tombstone from this man?
  12. Great photos, ski. Thanks for posting them.
  13. What a blue bird day! Thanks for posting the link to your trip photos. Have fun.
  14. Kids! I don't know what's wrong with these kids today!
  15. I have a PM Gear Double Trouble ski bag -- designed by a ski racer to hold two pairs of skis, poles and lots of other stuff. Very long bag (for race skis, of course), with wheels. I pack one pair of skis and poles and lots of ski equipment in it to just about 48 pounds. I put the boots, helmets and other stuff in another bag, packed to about 48 pounds. I have looked at shipping equipment out, rather than taking on the plane, and it is very expensive.
  16. Sib, Are all your dogs rescue dogs? Also, who exercises them each day during the winter while you're out skiing all day long?
  17. Thanks for the clarification.
  18. See Doug's 223 thread in the Blue Mountain forum (BTW, he lost).
  19. I've never parked there before, but I may do it because of the positive comments here. Do they sell tickets at the Glen Lodge?
  20. I go to both areas to mix up my experience. My sense is that Blue's runs are straighter down the mountain, while Camelback's meander a bit more like old school New England ski areas. I'm sure that everyone can point to trails at each area that belie my impression, but, hey, its my impression, not your's. From Delaware, Blue is closer than Camelback. I'll probably do Blue this weekend because I think they do a better job of blowing snow and I want to try the new directions people posted here.
  21. Man, that is cold. Cold feet are always my problem skiing. I can be toasty everywhere else, but my feet are ice cubes. When I was in Colorado the end of January, I managed a little improvement with two changes. First, based on a friends's recommendation, I purchased a pair of Smart Wool socks. I also used foot anti-perspirant to reduce the sweating in my feet. I used the toe warmers only once over four days. The problem for many people, especially women, is Raynaud's Syndrome. People with this syndrome suffer constriction of blood vessels in their extremeties when it is cold. My older daughter suffers from it; she will have so little blood in her fingers that her fingers look like they are wax. More information is available here http://www.lef.org/protocols/prtcl-128.shtml I am seriously considering buying a set of battery powered heated foot soles for my boots.
  22. I bet they started out with at least a case
  23. Well, the obvious answer is yes. These are people who won't pull over for emergency vehicles, etc.
  24. Never mind, sib, I just found your story in Doug's thread in the Lounge. Icy moguls Ugh! I avoid them because my legs can't handle it.
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