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Everything posted by ole2planker

  1. Are you crying? There's no crying...there's no crying in skiing!" Glad to hear you survived without serious injury.
  2. Ski? She hasn't skied since she was 5 years old and living in Switzerland! She liked the views of the mountain, the relatively compact ski village and the town of Whitefish.
  3. Congratualtions to Siblet. (And, I'm missing that big mountain of your's!) (And, my wife wants to go back! She loved it there.)
  4. The real problem is that the cost of repair is usually more than the cost of a new unit. Assuming you could find someone with the skills to repair it, the cost of parts and labor would be more than $200. Electronic goods have become disposable commodities.
  5. Thanks for volunteering for National Ski Patrol. It is a great service and I appreciate it.
  6. Well, that thought went from Sib's keyboard to God's display. My first day with Sib was just like that; the photos could have been from January 5, 2005.
  7. If you are interested in equipment reviews, surf over to Tech Support for Skiers at http://www.techsupportforskiers.com/ . Access to full reviews and other member benefits requires paying a $19.95 fee.
  8. Yes, indeedy, they are great photos But, they always make me jealous
  9. Ah, yes, the power of Intrawest's wallet. Does anybody know if the Intrawest resort websites are done by corporate or by each ski area?
  10. ole2planker

    Hot Skis

    Thanks for the travel report and photos. The cool weather, to end today, has really had me thinking about skiing. As for the skis, I'm with ski; I'm sure you have enough pairs already that iceman will never notice another pair. "Oh, those skis. You remember, dear, we bought those last season"
  11. Nothing like using a little child as bait when trolling for girls
  12. Actually, I thought everyone was much kinder about it than I would have been! Fondling your clothes, eh? I feel your pain. I was down in the basement this weekend, checking my bases. I'm starting to plan my ski trips. Looks like Deer Valley with a bunch of guys the end of February or beginning of March.
  13. Sorry about that. Don't know what I did wrong, but I did it. http://www.mikeberard.com/
  14. Here is a well conceived web site using Flash with some beautiful photos from BC. Guaranteed to get you stoked for the coming season. Enjoy!
  15. ole2planker

    Hey 'dude

    "rejoyce"? Is that doing Joyce, again?
  16. Oh, man! I want it so bad I can taste it!!!
  17. Here's a link to video from the Mt Bachelor big air comp. Beautitful conditions. http://share.ise10.tv/MTB/Bach_Air_2.wmv Enjoy
  18. Skimom, Thanks for the update. Sounds like it was an exciting time for skidude -- wish there was video for all of us to enjoy. Sorry you didn't do well, but I bet you're glad you got to enjoy that powder!
  19. I know which gated community. It's Allenwood!
  20. What is happening here? I go away to ski at Snowmass for a few days and you young punks have everything screwed up: Look at the weather you have brought us. Please understand that, like sacrificing a virgin maiden, women's bras or panties are offered to Ullr, not men's boxer shorts (unless they happen to have been on a woman when removed). It does not count that the offering is your sister's undergarment taken off the clothes line. It doesn't count even if your significant other gave them up somewhere other than the lift. You see, Ullr needs to know that the man offering the undergarment is worthy. Worthiness is established by getting the undergarment off the woman while going up the mountain on the lift. You have angered Ullr. You have tempted fate and brought us ruin. I know, it isn't your fault, is it? It is your parents' and older friends' fault. Why have the elders of our tribe failed to pass on the oral traditions of our people? (And, no, it is not the snowboarders fault. Contrary to popular belief, snowboarders are not the end of western civilization.) By the way, Snowmass was awesome. Arrived in Aspen just ahead of a major snow storm. Enjoyed one day of 1 to 2 foot powder, followed by several days of blue bird skies. Yeeee Haaaaw
  21. Hey, ski999, where did you get a picture of me on Nose Dive at Stowe, January, 1973? I must have slid a hundred feet before I finally stopped
  22. Sweet! I hope you remembered to tell your mother you love her.
  23. I can rarely take a week day off and go to the Poconos (although I can justify taking several days off and travelling farther away to ski ), so most of my local skiing is done Saturday mornings. I typically get up at 5:00 am, walk the dog, throw my pack in the car and am off by 5:30 am. That usually gets me to the lifts about the time the slopes are opened. I find the slopes remain fairly open until about 10:00 am and don't get really crowded until after lunch time (say 1:00 pm). Unless it is an exceptional day, I usually skip lunch and quit skiing about 1:00 pm when the crowds start building up.
  24. I agree, get rid of the topic. This is as bad as people who spell out the r word, for goodness sake.
  25. Wise guy
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