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Everything posted by BadassBunny

  1. Dammit. Shush! [Check the lodge for now on - I'll be by the fire sippin hot chocolate, checkin out the cute boys. ] No, but for real, we should just make a time/place to meet. I'm sure I've seen u before... maybe..
  2. ^ Mike, $50. They're 3 seasons old, but I wasn't using them the whole time cuz I have another set of bindings for my other board. They're in perfectly fine shape, except I had 1 ratchet replaced cuz it was being weird. Actually, I also have Burton Synchros which are in nearly perfect condition [only used em for 1/2 a season, so there's only a few scratches]. I'd rather sell those, n put the Rides on my 46. Would she be interested in the Burtons? I'll even sell those for $40. Let me know. =]
  3. bahaha sorry.. that really made me laugh. Just the way u said it.. I thought conditions were pretty nice today, n the park held up quite well. Less the wind at the top, not bad at all. The wind made the left side at the top of Sidewinder nearly impossible, but the right was pretty beautiful. I took my last runs around 4:30, but stuck around looking for my friend til after 6. I'll be back tomorrow, bright n early.
  4. I may go to watch n cheer, but not actually enter.
  5. ^ I was screwing around with the heel cup today.. I think it's in the closest position. It just angles more if I move it foward. It's odd. I have ghey Burton boots that are quite huge too. *shrug* Yeah, that's kinda what I do for the ratchets, but only for the ankle strap. The toe strap ratchet works fine, but the ladder sticks up a LOT. Blah. Ohhh I wasn't riding Flows before - I had Rides. I demo'd Flows for a day.
  6. If the frames were black, I'd be all over these. I love that lens. =/
  7. Ha, yeah, the ratchets are definitely a royal pita. When I was adjusting the settings at home, I'd get my foot stuck in the bindings for 10 mins at a time. No joke. They'd lock or something, n I couldn't figure out how to 'unlock' them. They really need to get worn in a bit. I tried em out for the 1st time today. Not too shabby, however, I'm having trouble keeping the toe strap on the end of my boot. It seems to slide up when my boot gets wet.. not good. They're really light n comfy tho. I just wish the heel cup was smaller so it'd really hold the heel of my boot.
  8. ^ Pressure guns, eh? Interesting. I've never heard of those, but the concept seems awesome. As it would so turn out, Salomon is all outta those boots, so they're never going to come in. I tried on the F20s at Nestors n fell in love. Unfortunately, they were a 1/2 size too big [after they'd pack out]. The chick who was helping me had them herself, n she said she wished she had bought em 1/2 size smaller as well since they packed out more than she expected. She has custom foot beds in them now, n she also did some mods to make them fit again. Too much of a hassle for me. I'm slightly annoyed. Rome- Yeah, so what if my friends ride Nitros? They love them. That's why I recommended the boards. I don't have much experience with guy's boards, so I can really only add my .02 based on feedback from others.
  9. ^ Pink outfit n blue outfit? Are u guys talkin about who I think ur talking about? 1 riding Roxy, the other riding Burton? Both in helmets, 10 years old? Brown hair, the other has long blonde hair?
  10. ^ or send somebody down ahead of em to let ppl know n get them outta the way.
  11. Did anybody go? I got there late Fri nite [830ish?] in time to watch the end of the women n the 2nd round of the men. My friend hooked me up Saturday am with a staff vip pass, so long as I did 'work.' So I helped control/direct/slow the crowd coming from the bunny hill n the guys practicing the slopestyle. My friend took 10th outta the 70!! Then I helped fix up the pipe for a few hrs before practice - raking it, etc - basically making it look pretty for tv. I was sorta doing security while the pros were practicing, n I woulda done the same for the actual comp, had it not been postponed due to the wind. I was sooo pissed. I was as close as u could get without literally falling into the pipe - right next to all the pros. I didn't talk to anybody, altho I coulda, cuz I didn't quite kno what to say. Shaun White, Danny Kass, Mason Aguirre, Molly Aguire, Gretchen Bleiler, Hannah Teter, Andy Finch..... insane. At least the rain held out.
  12. ^ look at my edit n what u quoted lol.
  13. Uhm, have u been to Blue yet this year? There's a 45' [i think] battleship box, n there's a flat-down-flat, among many others.. I can't dream up my ideal rail cuz I'm def not good enough on em yet to really be creative.. altho, anything I could hit n not die on, I'm down.
  14. WELL. I ended up winning the T9 JVs [after shipping n insurance] for $98! I'm pretty stoked, can't wait for em to come. I'm gonna take em out for a day, n if I like em, I'll keep them, n if I don't I'll resell them, prob make a small profit, n get the Nitro Raidens - which are siiiick bindings. Metz - I ordered the Salomons in 2 diff sizes in both the F20 n F22. Hopefully, they'll be in tomorrow. I'm not sure if they have custom foot beds tho? I'll def look into that. I'll be happy so long as they don't pack out insane amounts n they keep my heel down. Board recommendations? If u don't wanna stay on a NS, go with Nitro - either the T1 or the T2 - without a doubt. As for the Flows - after riding on em for a nite n 1 run the next day, I decided I hated them. In fact, after the 1 run the next day I was desperate to get em off my board. They're huge n bulky n heavy n raised up real high n they suck. That's MY opinion. A guy from another website gave a pretty good/informative review on Flows [copy n pasted]: I've been riding Flow for 5 years and am a fan, and have reccomended them to many friends. But everything has positives and negatives. Here is a quick list of my thoughts... Positives: 1. VERY solid straped down to the board feeling while riding. When adjusted correctly, these bindings make you feel like you are attached to the board with out the weird glued to board feeling of clickers and the like or pressure points from standard straps. 2. Once you get used to them you can enter & exit the binding while moving nearly as easily as with any other 'step in' 3. Unlike many other step in bindings, Flow doesn't get clogged up with powder/ice to the point that you cant lock in. I'll admit once in while there is some build up on the bottom of the binding, but I can always get my foot locked in to get out of wherever I am to a place where I can clean it out better. This is great if you get stuck in backcountry flat spot in deep snow and need to hike a few feet to get over a rise. 4. I can't remember the last time I sat down to lock in. 5. The thickness of the base of the binding prevents toe drag. Now the Negatives: 1. These bindings are heavy. If you care about weight (I don't really, within limits) they are not for you. 2. You really need to have these bindings adjusted by a trained salesman/tech who really knows the bindings. I had a bunch of minor discomfort problems, and had the bindings adjusted by a Tech at a mountain shop for me...no problems since. There are a few adjustments available on the binding that aren't obvious, like the front/toe straps can be moved, the adjsutment is hidden by a piece of decorative plasitc. 3. The base of the binding is very thick, if you like that baseless feel, you wont like these. But all in all I do reccomend FLOW. josh Yeah, once my new bindings come they're all urs if u want em - $50.
  15. Yeah, back roads n such are pretty bad.. there's trees down all over by me, n we've lost power once.. we tried ordering some pizza earlier in the nite n they were closed, along with a buncha other places.. On the bright side - yay for blowing snow!
  16. Correction: a 60 foot booter.
  17. I've never had em at Blue, in fact, I've never actually paid to have em.. but my friends n I have deep fried mini Oreos, n the peanut butter kind... omg they're AMAZING! We shoulda patented the idea since we've been doin it for some years now. We've also deep fried mini Nutter Butters [yummy], a Twinkie [cake stuff good, cream filling nasty], pickles, n a poptart [which led to some puking..].
  18. I'll be there Monday.. round 8:45ish.
  19. ^ Ha, Nestors had their demo day today - all skier stuff n then Burton. They coulda brought ur Dom.. The Burton guy was kinda a prick. I tried 3 today.
  20. This morning the conditions were awesome. Everything that was crappy last nite was wonderful today.. n then it rained. A lot. At like 3 we get off the quad, n it just turns into a downpour. Quick run thru the park n inside by 3:15. Visibility at the top n 1/2way down just got worse n worse from the am til around when I stopped boarding. Later in the evening when the rain lessened I heard conditions became great again. Hey toast - the skiier that ur talkin about - was he the guy that ate it on the lip on the right in the lower park? Like, he took an entire chunk outta the lip. We're up there thinkin 'wtf'? Was really funny when another skiier hit the 1st booter before the wall ride [aka after the c-box] - midair he screams 'oh fuck!' twists sideways, n then just falls.. Those of u who weren't there today.. just wait til ya'll see the park! They redid some last nite.. where the silly wedge n then booter was, is now a huge roller-esque which drops u down to a big wedge kicker, n then there's 2 more booters - the bigger, on the right, measures 58ft!
  21. hrmm.. okay.. I'm getting the Salomon boots ordered for me, both pairs, in 2 diff sizes. I'm not required to buy em, but I do get a sick discount. Narrow heel is good, except when I tried on the Rides with the narrow heel/foot they were TOO narrow for my Burton Lexa bindings - too small for the heel cup. Bad. They're being ordered tom am, so I guess I'll be able to try em in a week. In the meanwhile, I'll prob go back to either Amatuer Athlete or Army Navy n try on the 32s. As for bindings.. I'll never get Ride bindings again. I'm currently riding on the VxNs. Anybody wanna buy em off me for like uhh $50? Ha. Anyways, I actually have a set of Flow Amp5s on my board right now. They're the guys, but they actually fit my feet. They're def heavy, but I don't notice it while I'm riding or hitting jumps. Only on the lift, n skating, n when I try to jump n ollie around, heh. The freestyle bindings that I'm actually interested in should be lighter. They're being ordered for me as well, n again, I'm not required to buy. I do stoopid shit all the time.. so I really hope they wouldn't open in the back. I never thought of that. I'll ask my friend who rides Flows tomorrow if that's ever happened to him... =/ The T9 JVs are sick. Not totally diggin the LV design, but whatever. My pants are pretty long n cover my bindings anyway. I found em on ebay, auction ends in 2 days, n they're only at $40 right now. I'll try n bid at the end so long as they stay around $100-125. Thanks for the input, fellas.
  22. werd to Blue's kickass park n crue! ;D
  23. I checked those out when I was looking at the Pro FS.. they're prob gonna be too big, plus I'm sure they're the guy's version. =/
  24. I actually tried on a Ride boot a few weeks ago, the kind that makes ur foot 1/2 size smaller. They were really narrow n did a great job holding my ankle down, but they didn't freakin fit into my Burton bindings!! They were TOO narrow. n while I do have a pair of Ride bindings [that I'm lookin to replace a la this thread], I want boots that fit into all of my bindings.
  25. ^ Valid point. Never really thought about that.. esp since I'm just getting started on rails now. Was owning on the flat down in the lower park of Blue til they took it out. But yeah, always assumed tighter = quicker response.. I don't like riding when my bindings are loose. k2madman - I used to have Northwaves. I loved em. I'd never get anything by K2 tho. Sorry.
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