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Everything posted by LTDSNOWBOARDER

  1. Well I was there today and it was roped off, but it looked like it was ridable(but i could barly see). but if this weather keeps up they could blow a lot of snow and hopefully make the boarder x.
  2. i would rather have a 3ft rail and a peice of plastic to learn on then a 3ft high 15 ft long rail.
  3. did they put rails in, cus when i was there on thrus., there were no rails or boxes, but yea its about time they made a smaller park. i was thinking about how cool it would be if they somehow moved blackbear park to the other side of the mtn. but its basicallly impossible cus there arent many trails that it would fit.
  4. First off i just want to say i loved Lake Placid and Whiteface. The first day i got there me and my friend went snowboarding while my sister and here boyfriend went site seeing. They said that the ski jumping place was amazing, they went to the top of the towers and everything. If your luckey you could see them practicing. They then went to the bobsledding, which they said was also very cool and very fun. The torch is by the ski jumping, and from what my sister said, and from what i seen, it was not up to par of what i thought it would be. It looked like it was not even taken care of. The final thing they saw was the river and waterfalls, which was frozen over, but you could walk onto a bridge and come very close to the waterfalls. Now for the mtn, Whiteface. It was an amazing mountain, by far the best mtn ive ever snowboarded on. It seemed like a lot of locals which was also nice. The gondola was very nice, becuase you could get nice and warm on it. Whiteface can get very, very cold, so i would recommend dressing heavy. Also you said that you had a 9 year old skiing with you, just to warn you they have some very hard trails there, so keep an eye on the type of trails (diamond,green, blue). Also dont be afraid to take her up to the top becuase they have a blue that is very easy that goes down. Like I said, it was an amazing trip, and the best 3 days of my life.
  5. toast21602, why do you hate on bear so much. every time i read a comment from you on the Bear Creek forum you always have a negiative comment. If all your going to hate on Bear then stay in Blues forum or keep all of your comments to yourself.
  6. Whats a sliding board rail??
  7. Im leaving for Bear in like an hour, so ill tell you if they have them set up tonight
  8. Please post some pictures. And any other useful information. Im leaving for Whiteface Friday morning(2oclock, haha) and ridinf Fri., Sat., and Sun. so again please post any information including anything like places to eat, things to do. Thanks a lot.
  9. I just got back. The conditions were pretty slushy. the park was really good. they had a pretty big top jump along with the U rail, but for some reason they put poles infront of the U when it could have been used easly. they had 5 total jumps. they had about 12 jibs. It was a fun day to say the least.
  10. that would be soo much fun. if they made it real mellow and had a nice ramp onto it. think of all the posibilites. you could do so many combinations on it. it would be soo fun to mess around on.
  11. whats the coaster box. and is it set up yet?
  12. ok i just got back, it was a fun day. they had 1 decent sized jump but was rutted out all day. they had about 6-7 rails, all of which were quite small. it was a fun day, i even learned new stuff, which is always good for the first day out.
  13. I go there every once in a while. Mostly only when my perents dont wanna take me far. Oh yea i go to North Penn.
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