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Everything posted by Dan-

  1. Like Jordan said. No baker? That list is a joke. And im not sure if it's only a US list, but there places in Japan that also crush a lot of those numbers.
  2. I rode blue a bunch last year. Normally by the time i make it to the hill your already gone, that or i just go to Cbi and get wings and beer.
  3. Some how i still remember riding with you that day, which was the day before i left for Jackson. Weird.
  4. 50,000 points if you pick the correct flights is good enough for 4-5 flights or two round trips to utah anyway. If you can fly the cheapest flights to utah the lowest i have seen them recently is about 8500 points.
  5. Hell yea it's nice. Going to make that march utah trip cheap as hell. Shit maybe I'll even hit Kamp K2 since it'll be basically free.
  6. Winter came an left the east coast all in one weekend in October. Shows over folks. Move along now.
  7. Waiting for them to open up LCC after a big storm. Anticipation is through the roof. And a random picture i took while in Australia since no one else wants to post up picture. This is the Australian grand canyon, located about 2 hours from Sydney. And another not from utah but I'm bored and don't feel like writing this paper I need to get done. Bonus points to who can guess the peak. The sign shouldn't make the location to hard. And picture of said line after it was pillaged. Thank you parachute.
  8. I'd just like to thank southwest for giving me 50,000 points for paying a small fee of 60 bucks to get the card.. Good enough for two round trips. 60 bucks for 800 bucks in flights, looks good to me.
  9. Traversing is really not an issue. I've done plenty of it to get to stuff. I just think there are other options that are less crowded still have good snow, and don't have a 30 minute tram line on a pow day. To each his own.
  10. Damn I wanted to buy 11 of them so i could get a board. Guess they won't allow that.
  11. Personally I'd skip snowbird unless you really want to ski it. While they do get a lot of snow, and the terrain is good, it gets tracked out quick as fuck.
  12. Snowbasin Love. Spot the line? So many goals i need to accomplish. Justin pondering the insanity.
  13. My Buddy Jeff sending it on a deep day at bird. By deep i mean 20 inches overnight.
  14. Dan-

    nike 6.0 is no more

    Nike was never going to make a ski boot. Ever.
  15. People make risky choices every day though. Getting in your car every day is a risky choice. Do you ever expect to be killed no, but it could happen to anyone at any time. Regardless of how much knowledge any one person has on anything, there is always something that can go wrong. For Jamie's sake even he was the most experienced person in the world and knew everything there was to snow science, something can still go wrong. It's mother nature, no one can predict what is going to happen. Did he go out in questionable conditions? Yeah sure. Does that discount him as being a dumbass? No. When Doug Coombs died attempting to save his friends life was he a dumbass for trying to save his buddy in a risky situation knowing that shit could go wrong. No absolutely not. Sure people make money on doing risky things, but you can say that for people in many different jobs not just the extreme sport industry. Some people just get bored living the everyday life and seek more. They push the envelope, and some may die. We know it's going to happen, but that doesn't instantly make them a jackass.
  16. It's not that he didn't have the right gear or training. He probably had all the avy gear, he was swept over some cliffs. I don't care what your wearing, it's not going to save you from bouncing off of rock. Sketchy snowpacks are tough to read, and it's hard to resist the urge of early season snow. And with people pushing the envelope as much as they are it shouldn't be a surprise that people are dying.
  17. Would of worked better if you just straight lined it switch to the road. then they wouldn't have a chance to explode
  18. Sounds like you were getting too damn gnarly on that groomer. Simmer down next time, and your shit won't break.
  19. Aww, you don't want to whiteknuckle for 10 hours up to Rutland. It was a good time, roads weren't that bad just a lot of idiots out there.
  20. Whatever the variables may be, there was nothing close to the lines you showed. Bailing on an opening because you had one bad day is bogus. You say it's because you want to save money? I spent probably 100 bucks, thats including gas, a place to stay, food, and beer. I could think of plenty of worse things to spend 100 bucks on.
  21. Sounds like a tough break to me. There was nothing even close to that opening weekend.
  22. Sounds like your becoming a jaded old man to me.
  23. You'd be fine on this board. Its got an early rise in the tip and tail so it'll ride a bit shorter.
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