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Everything posted by Dan-

  1. Thats what im gonna try for.
  2. Dan-

    T-bolting board

    I think he'd could go wider, I ride a 23.5 inch stance, and it's not even close to maxed. Could probably easily go 26, but that'd hurt pretty bad. My buddy who is 6'3 rode a 26 inch stance, and said it killed his knees so he's down to 24.5.
  3. Gotcha.
  4. That'd also be perfect, but preferably for the little jump next to the cement mixer.
  5. Theres that massive space to the left before you hit the wedge. Use that for rails.
  6. No, leave the wedge it's fun. Stop hating justin.
  7. I think he meant more along the lines of the jumps are Doubles rather then step downs.
  8. The snow is just super slow right now. I watched the park crew guys gineau pig the jump on thursday and it was fine. 1 outta 5 make it because people don't realize how much the new snow makes you loose speed
  9. Dan-

    Utah week

    If i decide to bring the 20d, there will be plenty of pictures.
  10. Let me know man. Im up your way just about every day for school.
  11. I'd say just heal up and be as strong as you can when you come back. No sense in coming back early, and hurting yourself worse because your body wasn't ready to take the beating again.
  12. typical.
  13. Dan-

    Utah week

    A few of us are heading out to Utah on feb 4th. Hopefully it starts snowing again by then.
  14. Ah, you were the one spitting up blood saying you bit your tongue after casing the jump. Yeah, i never felt like i would of had enough speed to hit that today. Snow was super slow. I was the lone snowboarder in the big crew of skiers rolling through the park. Tan pants/brown coat/white helmet. Don't be afraid, i got worked on the big jump at boulder last year, that justo laid witness to. Just have to man up, and go back at it.
  15. You can buy this movie on itunes for 8 dollars...
  16. I have a Canon Rebel that i don't really need. probably taken 5-6 thousand pictures, still is good shape, few minor scratches on the body, but there only cosmetic. Comes with a 18-55mm canon lens. Willing to sell it for 200 bucks. Comes with battery, but i don't have a charger that i can sell. You can easily find one on B&H or something for 30-40 bucks or you can find a cheaper generic brand. Here's a picture taken using the camera the other night.
  17. Why you would leave stuff like that just sitting in your car is beyond me. Sounds like people need to wise up a bit. And Robert, That part of Philly hasn't been good for way longer then 15 years. you'd have to go back to the 50's maybe when Kensington used to be a half decent place to live. My dad runs his business off out Kensington ave, right around Kensington and Sommerset ave, which is maybe 4 blocks from K&A. Was funny to work down there in the summer, you don't need TV, you just have to sit on your step and watch all the kooks outside.
  18. Bump Price dropped to 350
  19. Thanks, probably going to look into getting one of those next year, or the TRS.
  20. Dan-

    Snowboard bindings

    Im loving my burton cartels this year. Although the rome targa's were also nice.
  21. Not really a big fan of any of there boards anymore, but i love there bindings.
  22. Dan-

    Reverse Camber

    So they are making something like Salomon's Answer? And to do away with the Zeppelin.. that board has been in there line forever.
  23. Dan-

    Reverse Camber

    RC boards are fun, but in a different way then a normal cambered board. For freeriding i'd easily go with a Normal cambered board, you just don't get the same pop out of turns with RC. Burton 71 also has a good point with pipe boards.
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