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Everything posted by Dan-

  1. I wanna ride baker so bad... I'd go for Baker. You have seattle right there, and Im sure baker rarely gets "Crowded"
  2. To bad, it's dangerous as hell right now. Thats alot of unstable snow. PNW'ers better be careful for the next few weeks.
  3. Dan-


    Stowe and Jay are gonna benefit from this one big time. Edit: And yeah, alot of us have made turns and our seasons have started... FINALLY
  4. Doubt there will be any more open tomorrow. I won't be there tomorrow, i decided to drive home today, since it would of been 200$$ to say for the night, and ride tomorrow. Fun though. Finally glad to get on the snow again
  5. I doubt the roads will be icy by tomorrow mourning..
  6. Waxing my stick tomorrow mourning.
  7. Gotcha. I don't really know what your trying to get at with the whole having fun, not having fun thing, but it's getting confusing so ill just let it go.
  8. yeah that is pretty stupid. Well if bell doesn't open it's off to crowded hunter
  9. Of couse i was still having fun. Jeff made a statement about the slow lifts, saying they didnt' bother him. Well when it's that cold slow lifts suck. I didn't say anything about not having fun did I? About the Jackson hole thing? Are you talking about riding here in Pa mid winter and Jackson mid winter, becuase honestly i think i'd take jackson over Pa. Now if i got to ride 500 ft of vert during the summer, or got a free jackson trip in the winter, id take the 500ft vert
  10. hahahahaha
  11. The only day i was at montage last year, it was 0 degrees with a -10 degree wind chill. Believe me, the slow lift rides sucked ass.
  12. Actually it's' all about having fun like it always is and has been. Vert means nothing, but if you have fun on the other hand means something Snowboarding/skiing to most people is a passion, not a statistic.
  13. Well best of luck not getting stabbed/plowed/injured at K-mart with the 10 billion other people that are there.
  14. Right now im just taking core classes to get them out of the way. Probably going into Geography/ Geology
  15. Friday xNick11(Maybe) Shadows (maybe) Zaldon Glenn Lib Jeff Mark Ski Freek!! TP4(maybe) KnuckleDragger Saturday xNick11 shadows (most likely) Mark(maybe) Liftie(maybe) Righthandedleftie(maybe) TP4(maybe) KnuckleDragger Looking even better
  16. Looking good. Belleayre on 11/21. Picture of the day if no one has saw.
  17. Jay Peak. Longest drive as far as VT goes, but if your into Powder, they always have a good shot at getting some.
  18. I have more free time in college than i did in high school.
  19. I know right.. In HS i worked anwhere from 20-30 a week. Now in college, summers i work about 30-40 a week. During school and winter i work 15-20. BY choice. Snowboarding is more important than work.. Oh and you say by 3rd or 4th, just intime for ski season? do you get paid weekly or biweekly, because if it's bi, then thats 2 months from now, and ski season will be well underway.
  20. Yes i do.
  21. Dan-

    Lights On

    Definatly looks like it's blowing on mainstreet.
  22. Dan-

    Lights On

    Yes it is negative, when everyone is getting hype over them possibly blowing snow, your over there, going oh they won't blow snow. Because you know every move blue makes don't you? If thats not negative, i dunno what is.
  23. Dan-

    Lights On

    You are probably the most negative person i have ever seen when it comes to skiing/snowboarding. Maybe you should go on some other msg board, and take your negative talk... Edit: Jeff is right, park is almost last to open.
  24. Dan-


    on a side note, it's sad that Huffy bought out Sims, They were once a good quality snowboard, now they are just garbage.
  25. Pictures...?
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