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Everything posted by Dan-

  1. Dan-

    Centered Mounted?

    You ski backcountry in Pa? If your riding pow that deep elsewhere, just lean back more...
  2. I've seen some crazy TR's from newfoundland skiing. Looks good, but the TR's i saw were during spring conditions.. Looks like it'd be alot better in the winter
  3. Dan-


    Regular Laces > *. Thats all that needs to be said. Does it really take along time to lace up your boots?
  4. Next week down here in Bington is suppose to be back in the mid 70's. Tomorrow a high of 57 though, and lows in the 40s My mtn house has lows in the 30's forcasted for the rest of this week and much of next week.
  5. I've been to mountains with only 2 other people on them, it's kind of erie actually. Back in 04-05, i went to tanglwood during a blizzard at night. I was 1 of 3. I saw them maybe once the entire time i was there.. Powder day at twood thought.. never thought that'd happen. And of course you had to mention me jumping that guys skis. That guy probably S*it himself.
  6. If the group rate would be cheaper then student, count me +1. So thats 2 more I could also get 1 of my buddies who doesn't have a pass yet so thats 3
  7. Thats exactly my point. Elk is very far from my area. I would much rather ride more, then drive more... I can get to blue pending on traffic, in an hour to hour and 15. Compared to a 3 hr up and 3 hrs back... Only times i ride elk are when i stay at my mtn house for the weekend, and it's still an hour from there.
  8. I'd be down for that doug, just lemme know when, ill skip school, or take off work.
  9. Dan-


    Claiming snow making to start late October, and plan to open early november. http://www.okemo.com/okemowinter/ourmountain/snowreport.asp
  10. Shawnee claimed thanksgiving weekend last year. Then Dec 2nd, when blue opened, and they didn't open until the following weekend... I don't see why PA resorts try to plan and opening date, it's not up to them, it's up to the weather, and Pa's weather is random sometimes...
  11. I was hoping he was, ski you had me worried
  12. I would definatly be down to do that, but i think im going on a trip to VT that weekend
  13. Thats still pushing it. 3hrs to ride elk.. Might aswell just keep going further into NY and ride better terrain.. Except for JH and there rediculous pass price of about 1500
  14. Stowe and Jay are both in Northern VT.
  15. I believe it's only offered on the "Coalition' Line of B. the UnInc and maybe the Se7en, but thats it.
  16. I'd head back west. But if you like lakes. Gore is near Lake George which is a beautiful lake, so i guess that'd work.
  17. Why are you back here then
  18. I honestly have no idea what your talking about.. I wasn't on this board this time last year. All i did was post that denton's slope was 28 degree's instead of 66...
  19. A guy on TGR did the math for dentons "Steepest Slope in the East" Not very steep at all. Something around 28 degrees i believe. Steepest in the east is Tuckermans Ravine.
  20. I have never had a problem with burton's 3D patern. If your screws are always coming loose, make sure you have the right size(as in length) screws.. Which is the issue for many people. If the screw is to long it's not gonna tighten enough, if the screw is to short, it's gonna rip your insert out, or put dimples in your base..
  21. Where have you been.. haha. Many resorts have days called Gaper days... Not just that little group of people.
  22. 80 today and tomorrow. Then back into the 60s for the next week and a half.
  23. Dan-

    New boots!

    Wait until your wire snaps and your day is done.
  24. otherwise known as 2X. I don't trust it either.. I think it would slip alot.
  25. Dan-

    New boots!

    Speaking of boots. I almost dropped 350 for new burton Ions today If it wasn't for that speedzone nonsense i probably would of but i don't trust it. Regular laces for life...
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