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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Glenn

    Trails at CB

    There was ALOT of snow blown on the trails when I was up there today, they should be fine even with the rain.
  2. Glenn

    sharpening blades

    How much does one of the guides cost? I assum if one were so inclined, they could find one at the loft?
  3. I've NEVER had a problem. The closest is when my brother was riding with me, and caught his edge during unloading, he then goes under the chairlift, but manages to grab the seat and pull himself out, and ride away like nothing happened. This was 2 years ago at big boulder. Don't think it would work on a normal lift because they move faster.
  4. Glenn

    Trails at CB

    I was up there today, and they were blowing on that side of the mountain, but not on nile. I'll have to check the CB conditions page.
  5. Glenn

    Trails at CB

    Is nile supposed to be open? If so that would be awsome. I don't see it happening though.
  6. Glenn

    Trails at CB

    Yeah 16-18 = 3-4 decent runs. So, its really not as good as it sounds.
  7. Yeah, I'm not talking about the things that take 2 secs to fix, where you the lift just slows for a second. Today when the lift stopped the 7 times I was on it, were were stopped for at least 15 secs a piece. The one time it took about 2 min.
  8. It's only to be expected on the bunny lifts, just like, other tolerances are given on the bunny slope. But yeah on the real mountain lifts, something should be done.
  9. I hate the fact, that its in the skiers satfey code to have a knowledge of how to load/unload the lift, but they don't get their ticket clipped. Sure it may not be as dangerous as riding off marked trails, but it sure is annoying to the rest of us. It's clearly marked on your ticket that you SHOULD know how, so they have their fair warning. I vote clip the ticket if they have to stop for you.
  10. The one I was racing was well out of the "catchable" point, for the person who owned it. I had no intentions of trying to stop it either, I just didn't want to get hit by it, so I rode faster, and got out of the way.
  11. I got in a race with an un-maned board last year on mark anthony.... I won
  12. From the third world website: The beautiful C-Rainbow box. Its covered in plexi-glass right now and it seems to slide perfectly fine. We're thinking about bending some rails and attaching them to the sides, but were not sure if they're necessary and worth the money yet. We'll have to test it more. Anyway, Right now its working out great and is a totally awesome feature.
  13. You're allowed to get 3 punches in a season correct?
  14. Yeah, I also rode the lift with a little girl who snowboarded and had step-in bindings. So when she got up to the loading line, shes snaps in and waits for the chair, the attendant didn't stop the lift but they did yell at her. So then while we are riding, she uses her sisters ski pole to detach from the binding, presumably to avoid being yelled at when getting off the lift. The thing is, it was the quad, there isn't anywhere to ride when you get at the top. You have to skate to the top of whatever trail you are using.
  15. Yeah, so I was up at CB today. The place was pretty empty, which was nice. Got a bunch of runs in, in not that much time. Though this group, of younger people (at most middle school aged), had no clue how to use the lift or any other part of the mountain for that matter, but I could care less if they fall all over the trail. The whole thing was, there was about 20 of the, and every time they got on/off the lift every single chair in their group had to be stopped for one reason or another. It was somewhat gratifying to see one of them not get off the lift, and have their ski's get caught on the loop around and face planting on the deck, but still sucked because I was three chairs back. Anyways, only got stuck on the lift once with them, but that ride was stopped at least 7 times (they were in front, and behind me). Anyone have similar issues? I would also like to add, they were not English speakers, so it was impossible for the lifties to communicate what they were doing wrong so they wouldn't do it next time.
  16. ROFL, very nice ski. Brightened my day.
  17. I think they used plexi-glass.
  18. Looks pretty sweet, any plans to put skirting around it?
  19. I'm suprised they put up half a box, but that explains its unconventional and pointless nature.
  20. At 2 degrees humidity means a lot less than it does at 32 degrees, its definitely a equipment problem.
  21. Yeah, it sounded lika a whale, but then I thought, you wouldn't call that a kicker, then I thought it might be a hippo stepping you up to a snow kicker, or even a rainbow that depsited you in front of a snow kicker, but both of those sounded freaking retarded too. Have you ridden it yet?
  22. Well... it looks like it might make boardsliding it easier, because you will have time in the air to get the board moving down hill again, but for the most part it looks pretty pointless to me.
  23. Can we say... broken link!
  24. What is this, dont really understand, anyone have a pic or diagram?
  25. I doubt that will be the judges first question unless he skis/rides. Even if he does ski/ride I still wouldn't count on the question, and who would say it wasn't within their skill range? That whole skill range thing is b.s. anyways. If you never went above your skill range you wouldn't progress.... of if you did, it wouldn't be very fast. Additinally, how are you to know ahead of time, how far something is out of your skill range until you give it a try. I remember the first time I took a black. I had the blue courses down pretty well, so I figured I would give the black a whirl, but ended up sliding on my backside for a large portion of the trail. It was certainly well out of my range, but how was I to know. The more time you spend in the sport, the better you are aware of the dangers, possilibities etc. We get mad at the ignorant people who end up on the wrong trails etc, but really, how can you get mad when they don't know any better? Most of us were there at one point too (whether or not you want to remember )
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