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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Glad to hear your trip went well, that weather should be heading our way (hopfully) within a few weeks, in the mean time we can hope for snow making temps, and the local mountians to open.
  2. I thought they already started blowing, or was that JF?
  3. Thats a beautifull thing.... it brings a tear to my eye. I really didnt think they blew that much. Hopefully we will be riding soon!
  4. Paraphenalia they didnt want to get busted... .... ... oh, dip, wait, that pipe yeah idk.
  5. Hmmm... maybe your ISP blocks streaming??? Probobly you have active x turned off in IE or something. If I feel motivated, I'll find the stream location and give info on how to run in just windows media.
  6. Glenn

    My sled dogs are in

    Yeah I have some old k9's. They actually make you lean back a little, when your are riding over regular terrain. If you are dead center over them the fronts dig in and you face plant As far as landing though, you have to land relatively accurtely with reguard to foward/backward lean.
  7. I dont think it would be that bad, you could get a sheet of plywood and mount some sheet metal on it for pretty cheap, then just lean it agains something... it wouldnt be as good as a real one, but it would pretty freakin cheap
  8. I take it that is for mon?
  9. I think they will be open, but as always with only a few trails. Few being 4 or less
  10. Yeah, I was kinda joking about posting the pic, but pretty funny anyways
  11. Most definatlly. At this point I wouldnt mind if all I had was stuff in my backyard... Its making me seriously think about building a snow gun
  12. Awwwwwwwwww pics PLEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEaAaAaAaAaASE... ... ... yeah I don't know where that came from.
  13. Yeah I was actually going to go today to ny but things didnt work out. Either way, it will still be the first open in the poconos. Plus you live in philly, I live real close to shawnee, it becomes more appealing when its only 20 min away.
  14. Well for the rest of us who dont have the time/money to get up to Vt it is of interest.
  15. Have they blown at all yet?
  16. Your change in altitude is the vert you skiied. I'm not sure what dow's stats, but if the top of the mt is at 2050 and teh bottom is sea level then yes a run is 2050 vert. Like wise if the the top is at 3050 and the bottom is at 1000 2050 is the vert, I hope this makes sense.
  17. Glenn

    Plastic or Steel?

    The plastics are more responsive? One of the arguments I've heard for the metal bindings is they resond better because they are stiffer. Either way I like mine (saloman sp2 plastic bindings).
  18. Glenn

    Plastic or Steel?

    I dont know, with my gas pedals on my strap ins, I'm probobly an inch off the board, and it definately helps me control.
  19. Glenn

    live cam

    Oh, CB can afford the bandwidth. It really wouldn't be a big deal for them to do it themselves, but ski is right. Where they can make a buck they will.
  20. Their aren't any urban rails around where I live, and it would just be a lot more convenient to build my own. Plus I can setup however I want.
  21. Glenn

    Racing on TV

    I have fuel, so I just watch the skiing/riding all the time
  22. It doesn't seem to work in firefox (presumably mozilla either), but will work with Internet Explorer. The link they had was dead, and firefox doens't have a plug-in yet, so thats whats going on.
  23. Glenn

    live cam

    NBC??? as in the television network people?
  24. I <3 blue mt. Finally, there is some real hope. With any luck, this is production snow blowing, not just getting some stuff on the hill to train the mountain employees!
  25. Thats lowsy, I guess it looks like blue is the winner for first mountain to blow then! In the pocs that is
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