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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Go fast take chances. Tree's are closed so if they look good be covert. Take some pictures and less us know how it was.
  2. Hah. Why are you scared of him. I said I was sorry for being a dork and banning him, we laughed about it we are cool now. That dude is way to interesting to keep a grudge this long.
  3. They were fun and non-threatening. Just about anyone could zipperline them, and even get a decent hit off of one of them near the bottom. They would never do it because of the blessed racing team but either challenge or razors left for a season would get fun for feb through close. Probably way sooner than feb.
  4. Blue has steep enough terrain for natural bumps. CB was able to have unseeded bumps on a run that was easily under 20 degrees a number of years back.
  5. This looks fun.
  6. Can't find the reference.
  7. More people fall out of chairs with the bar down.
  8. Looks like just under the snowboard between the bindings is the safest place. I hate carrying anything with me on the hill. I've been wearing a pack, and I still leave my wallet and big key set in the car. Drive a shitty car that people wouldn't look to break into or lock it in the glove box. Obviously don't leave goodies in plain view.
  9. I don't own one of these, but the antennae pattern makes a difference. The chip is small but if they use the full real estate of the card for the antennae you could easily damage the cards functionality. Seriously though, why would you leave anything but a paper day pass on the outside of your jacket, even if they told you it was fine?
  10. I wrote a paper on this exact issue over 7 years ago. At the time, there weren't people using interference sleeves. RFID security is laughable. With upgraded broadcasting/receiving, with directional antennae and a more powerful signal I'm pretty sure you could do the same swipes from large distances. A creeper would do the trick to hide the equipment.
  11. Glenn

    quiver killers

    My pictures come when you get banned.
  12. Glenn

    TR 12/19/10

    Hide a key
  13. Glenn

    quiver killers

    I'd rather have enough bindings for each ride, but right now I only have 1 set of bindings. That said, I've put different bindings on every board I've owned, and I keep bindings alive a lot longer than boards. Why you wouldn't want the option is beyond me. The screw prices will come down if they get used more.
  14. Glenn

    quiver killers

    Except you could still have the ski shop mount the screws, so it's just screw into to the professionally setup binding location. Are you this worthless with girls as well? Time's up where's the photo?
  15. Glenn

    TR 12/19/10

    Hide a key.
  16. McGaper
  17. You must be joking.
  18. Why do you want to teach? Is it for a pass? If so you are already making it a job. If you just want to share the joys of skiing with others, mostly kids, and it's a nice way to offset costs, then I think spending 1 season at boulder makes sense. You will be able to come back next year as a return instructor and will have priority to make it over to JF. Even this year, they are bound to lose instructors and you could have the chance to move. If you don't need it for one reason or another though, why put yourself in a shitty spot when you can just try again next year at low or no cost. You can walk away from this knowing some basics on how to teach, maybe you got some fundamentals tuned up in your own skiing and you are that much better off.
  19. I like this thread just the way it is. Maybe you should change the channel.
  20. CB's bumps were fun and technical. If you couldn't find rhythm you need to tune up your riding.
  21. The front 4 on CB had some pretty technical bumps. JF had several naturally bumped runs when I went there. Nearly everything at Elk down the middle is bumped, and unseeded.
  22. Set up gates and have ski patrol, the groomer, the lifties, who ever ski the gates. This is how competition bump runs are setup. Personally I don't see the point anyways, just let them form naturally. Just seems like you will get worse bumps with random 10 ft wide mounds in the middle of the hill.
  23. Ok lets try this again... What a dumb way of seeding bumps.
  24. Seems like a reasonable request.
  25. They don't call it blower for nothing.
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