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Everything posted by JONEZYbeBALLN

  1. yo do werk on them bitches, i guarantee if you would have said anything to them they would have just rolled away. Although they have been know up there at CB to not be very accepting to the snowboarders. I call for a quota where there has to be just as many snowboarder ski patrollers as there are skiers.


    ahah one of my good friends just dropped $3500 on a Panasonic this past summer, it is so sick
  3. word on the street is that their lookn for rhodo to be open after next weekend


    you also now have to have a username and password to look at pics. this just makes me laugh, for what reason would they do that?
  5. I did play golf today ahah
  6. I just work up so i could get readdy to head up to camelback for work, I walked outside and it seriously feels like its summer. So I figured I would check the site to make sure that I'm actually working. I come to find out that Ski Camelback will be closed until Thrusday, January 11th at noon. This sucks . . .
  7. Just checked on camelback's website and they say 5 trails for tomorrow, I really cant see them opening tomarow with 60 degree weather and am rain, and its goign to be warm sunday too. looks like this is not the weekend if your lookn to make some turns
  8. i was looking at those pictures too, they are set up down the hill each one like 5 feet or so lower than the last. it looked like they were all on a flat too, so the only thing they could be is for rails or boxes. unless they were just practicing building takeoffs ahahah
  9. thats a really sweet idea, i think that would work, all it would take is some commitment during the summer we could have some bangn' hits out here on the ice coast. I don't think you would even need the ramp, all that would need to happen is push some dirt around to get nice long steep landings. Because if you think about it, all of the snow is going to the base of the jump and the landing (with step downs) so the only mas amount of snow would be the take off. Table tops are a whole different thing and in my opinion are just a waste of snow.
  10. I work up at Camelback and i talked to Tony about it and he says there going to be throwing their new rails that are for rhodo over there. It will def be better than having the 8ft boxes though ahha
  11. workn on that gog tan
  12. I had my snowboard stolen up at camelback 2 years ago, new board new bindings. . . poof gone, had it locked up and everything, but those little locks do nothing. If a person really wants to take a board, all it takes is a little initiative and they can bust one of those things open without much trouble. I feel for anyone who goes through this, but the only way to make sure that your board won't get stolen is to be out shreddn the hill with it.
  13. ahah fo sho at this pace they might have rhodo open bye next winter
  14. sounds like some solid stuff going on. . . hip on rhodo would def be sweet
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