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Everything posted by momskeeztoo

  1. momskeeztoo

    Elk Blowing snow?

    At least he's in Maine skiing. I would love to ski there. Lots of good places on the east.
  2. My understanding is Timberline will be shared for Nastar. Only one side will be used for racing, the other side open to everyone else.
  3. Morning was great. Got really crowded around 1030. Lazy Mile turned into Crazy Mile. It would have been comical if it weren't so dangerous.
  4. I like Bear alot. Also like Blue. Gotta say people and management at Bear have been nothing but wonderful to me and my family.
  5. Why would you say Camelback, JF/ BB, BC is an inferior place.?
  6. Woooooeeee Can't wait to ski close to home. What a great surprise the cold weather was today. :wiggle I didn't think we were going to get any snowmaking temps.
  7. I am sure First Grade Teacher IS NOT working on this.
  8. Alot of park etiquette doesn't have to be taught, its common sense- ie: don't stand in the landing, don't cut people off, don't jump over the lips. I witnesses alot of problems with the ski team over on F chair,- skiing fast down into the line, kids standing on my skis, cutting in line. Alot of the adults were not much better, I heard one race team adult say to another, "I'll be right there, as soon as this "stupid guy" gets out of my way", indicating someone who was ahead of him in line. Where were these race kids taken out? Were they in the park? Just because someone has twin tips or a snowboard doesn't mean they ride park. Most of the kids who ride park very rarely venture over to F chair side, unless to ride family park, then they usually hike features.
  9. So sorry Nestors is closing, glad I got new boots this year. We always got all our stuff there and we were always happy with how we were treated.
  10. sorry I can't agree with you. Park kids at Bear and most other local mountains I frequent are alot more well behaved then the race kids. Just my observation.
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