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Everything posted by Schif

  1. X2 Theres nothing worse than a bad boot fit. Especially with ski boots. Going to a shop and trying stuff on is the only way to go.
  2. A trip to the Goodwill is on the agenda for tomorrow. I've got some crazy blue snow pants, and i'd like to throw some neon yellow in there somehow.
  3. heat guns are awesome. mine sets off the smoke detector off, but totally worth it for certain jobs.
  5. Schif

    Snow on Schiff?

    Oh yeah, you could have gone and shredded deep pow at Tussey....
  6. Definitely very jealous. Monday would be a good day to trek up to the goodwill store and find the most gaperific gear in the world. Whats the weather going to be like? that will probably be a decision maker in what gaper gear i bust out.
  7. Schif

    Hey, TT C6

    Has it really been 4 years? Wow, I'm getting old
  8. Schif

    Snow on Schiff?

    I've got just as much clue as you do Ski . I'm actually home for spring break now.
  9. Well if this is gonna go down maybe I can pull double duty. PASR day w/ the Blue Crew in the morning, then back to Scranton at night. I already drank for 12 hours in one day last week so I'll go slow this time around. Anyone have a little tailgate grill they can bring? We can grill up some steeze burgers or maybe old fashioned grilled steeze between runs in the lower lot.
  10. Schif

    Hey, TT C6

    I was kind of always afraid of this. Not that I read a whole lot of boards (only this one really) but it always seemed like the big ones had all sorts of problems. I knew one day PASR would get too big for its own good. I'm going to go as far as saying we should start some sort of proactive movement to take PASR back to the way it was.
  11. If we can get a crazy gaper day going involving a lot of PASRs I think it would be awesome. Good excuse to get out to Blue, cheap tix, beer and liquor in the parking lot. Lets make it happen. PASR day?
  12. So now I'm at an impass. $10 ticket and a gape-tastic day at Blue or Scranton's St. Patty's day parade(which involves drinking all day)?
  13. Schif

    Hey, TT C6

    If only most people on and around here could have been around for the good old days.....
  14. This whole situation is really ridiculous. I'll admit I was skeptical about the whole pipe thing BUT SNO DID IT. That right there should be enough for all of you guys. If you don't like a mountain don't ride it. I"m really sick and tired of people bashing the hell out of a mountain for no good reason. We even had some GREAT guys from Sno on here as great reps and you assholes scared them away. I really hope we can get them back because they really were great resources. Santa even started a thread or 2 to ask for direct input on the parks. The only thing you have to rip on Sno for now is their jumps. They concentrated on a 22 foot pipe and pulled it off. Its definitely the best pipe in the area. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. How about instead of ripping on a mountain for bad jumps you take the opportunity to ride more pipe on a good pipe for once. Are we all forgetting about the fact that they have built a HUGE SBX course? As far as I know the only other one in PA is lower sidewinder which is really only a few small S-turns. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. And what about the rails and boxes? I think Sno has a great set of rails and boxes for all ability levels scattered throughout their TWO parks. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS One of the biggest concerns for the skiers/riders around here is park safety. They've been calling for park passes for years. Sno finally has them. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS And I think we're all forgetting about some of the best freeride trails in the damn state. Cannonball, Smoke, Boomer, White freakin' Lightning. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE. When I go home for spring break next week I"m going to completely tear Sno up. From the parks, to the steeps, to the trees (if this rain doesn't kill them) and everything in between. We have a very short window of time each year to do the sport we love. Stop wasting your time bashing it and go enjoy it. Finally I just want to say one thing. PASR is a phenomenal place. You dosh's are slowly ruining that. This is a community that I love being a part of. I've been hanging around for quite some time and only recently have I been slightly disappointed. The main thing about PASR is that its really a Community. Except for all the new trolls, everyone here has a face. (Not that I"ve met them all, but I'd like to change that). When you rip on Ski, you rip on on of the best skiers I've ever been on a trail with. Sure Doug is a goofball, but when he turned on the jets on Challenge, I felt like a Jersey Jeans guy compared to him. PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF PASR ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I know I'm not on staff but maybe some bans are in order....
  15. Grey water is any non sewage water from drains so we're talking bathtubs, sinks, washing machines, dishwasher etc. The stuff that you cannot use by any means is Black water, which is anything that comes from a toilet. You can technically use Grey water for a few things (not many) The most notable being irrigation. What you're saying bear does is definitely feasible and would check out. However, since I know they just built bigger ponds, and Grey water systems are really really rare (you would have heard bear tooting their horn about how Green they were), I"m pretty baffled at why they would waste resources blowing snow in the woods.
  16. I"m going venture a guess and say not.
  17. Let me knowhow you like them. I was looking at them but for some reason never ordered. If they're good I'll pick up a pair next time they're up.
  18. I've wanted someone on staff to check Rajeev's IP for a while now, guess this is a good time as any. Anyone want to find out where this guy is actually from?
  19. I've never seen Yuengling girls, but I ended up knowing one of the Miller Lite Girls last weekend at the Saloon. It was a fun night and I got pretty well hammered for free off of them.
  20. My memory might be a little hazy on the details, but they actually did that one year so they could begin construction on a new waterslide.
  21. Just be glad they didn't bring the snow melters out yet.
  22. I have a feeling its going to be like the wristbands that they tried to use as lift tickets at the beginning of last year. So is this a one time deal? Am I supposed to keep the wristband? If they're the wristbands I'm thinking of they,re the kind that you have to cut off of yourself unless you leave it too loose (in which case you're going to lose it.)
  23. You're right ski, I was thinking about putting that in my post but never got around to it. Ok, so the 22 foot pipe is being executed poorly. Its still an attempt at a 22 foot pipe. Sno is probably sinking more money into this one thing than Montage had spent in its last 3 years. Whether or not this turns out great its still progress. I'm no old guy looking back on the past, but what about all those recent years where fastrack and runaway didn't even open? That was pretty damn recent. Count your blessings Montage/Sno faithful instead of ripping on the mountain's progression. From what some of you are saying its almost like you wish it was 3 years ago with a bad base, a few trails still completely brown, and a date with Nelsap coming up.
  24. Long but logical. I never really knew what went into making a pipe until this year but after reading stuff here and some other research, it kind of seems like Sno is kind of fighting a losing battle with this thing. However, they did book the Revolutions tour. What are they going to do, cancel? Tell them to go somewhere else? I think they will be able to get the pipe looking good for the weekend of the tour. It probably won't be structurally sound, it will probably have lots of air pockets, (total speculation, prove me wrong sno) but for that weekend, it will be a solid pipe. Come monday, it may just collapse into itself or they may try to cut it more and it will just be a craggy icy mess, but at least the tour got in. Long story short, they signed a contract with the Revolutions tour saying they would have a pipe so they are going to have a pipe. Its impractical to tell them to just give up now. They NEED this thing if even just for that weekend to fulfill their contractual agreement. Give sno some props for having the guts to try to build a pipe for this instead of just throwing in the towel.
  25. So where exactly do you get one? At the top of the park? Or is it somewhere in the lodge?
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