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Everything posted by Schif

  1. I think one of the biggest things is the lighting at Frost. Does anyone know why they are still the only major mountain in PA with no lights?
  2. I should have come home for the weekend and gone up to see this. Memory is kind of fuzzy, but I think my uncle took me up to see the torch light parade when I was younger at Montage. Probably the last time they did it too.
  3. http://www.zauggamerica.com/resort/pipegroomers/pipe.shtml Pretty cool interactive part of the zaugg website. It walks you through the dimensions you need for it. Interesting part, and has to do with what trackbiker was talking about, was that for the 22 foot pipe, they reccomend an 18 to 19 degree slope.
  4. Hey, if nothing else, that much snow in a huge pile can stick around for quite a while. I can definately see Sno having a May Day rail jam, if not an April Day.
  5. I think they came up with a great concept for a show. They're just executing it wrong. Ski patrol is something pretty exciting and would make some great TV. Just not at blue.
  6. I don't know why I never got around to posting, but I got out and did some urban on tuesday night. We set up a kicker onto a stair set on both the left and right handrail, and a kicker onto a picnic table. Great night, we were out there for 6 hours. Hopefully Pics will follow.
  7. Just so everyone knows, a 22 foot pipe is actualy 4 feet taller than the one in the x-games. I'm willing to give it a shot, but I"m not much of a pipe rider.
  8. Schif

    Still closed

    As for all the people jumping ship on CB for JFBB, Thats actually kind of a tough sell for me. I love boulder and frost, but the fact that all my night skiing would have to be done at boulder doesn't really impress me all that much, and I like to ride park to a fair extent. For anyone with a job, they would get to ski frost twice a week max, unless you had a day off.
  9. Schif

    Still closed

    According to weather.com its currently 57 and cloudy in Tannersville. They probably closed so people wouldn't get heat stroke, or maybe so that there wouldn't be any problems with the flat light. On a slightly more serious side, there are thunder showers being called for around 5 or 6. THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO CLOSE ALL DAMN DAY. It never ceases to amaze me just how much CB manages to close. I couldn't even imagine being someone who has a pass and goes after work or something and you realize that your mountain has been closed 2 days in a row at the beginning of February. Just an FYI, even Tussey mountain was open all day yesterday in the rain and all day today.
  10. Schif

    Closed again

    This is terrible. We're used to it from CB, but come on Sno, I thought you were better than this.
  11. True Mini Zep, they make a lot of money off of those things, but they spend a lot of money every year to put snow on the ground.
  12. Ask Glenn, he's our resident Winter Park expert.
  13. So how did you guys do?
  14. And why do we need popcorn? Because we can't ski at CB tonight!!
  15. Speaking of Ferige, she just signed on to do the first ever concert in Beaver Stadium this spring.
  16. They had the park on lower runaway a few years back. Not that great of a trail for the park in my opinion. If I recall someone got pretty hurt when they came off a rail too hot near a corner and hit a tree. Its too narrow and windy down there for a very successful park. Maybe a feature or 2 but not enough to make it worth while.
  17. I completely missed snowboard superpipe finals. I see that White won again. What was his run like? I saw in the semi finals that Ryoh Aono threw down one of the sickest runs ever, and he ended up in second place. Did he blow it? Was White that good? Was it just the judging? Did ESPN make sure Shaun White won for ratings?
  18. The second to last jump in skier-x was killing everyone for the first few runs until the figured it out and everyone had to scrub half their speed to land it. I think the best crash was the one women's race when 4/6 racers ate it on that jump and 3rd place limped across the finish 30 seconds after 2nd and on one ski.
  19. 1,000
  20. You know what else pissed me off, now that I"m in a ranting mood. For the first 30 seconds of the boarder X they played that stupid jet engine take off noise. That really is the gayest thing they could have possibly done. I don't know why I didn't like it, but it just bugged me.
  21. I thought the course was super lame. With the progression in the past few years of jibs, they really didn't have much for the guys to work with. The battleship and the up box. But did anyone notice that they were BOXES!!! This was the X-games, supposedly a showcase of the best riders in the world and they couldn't even give them a nice urban down RAIL to hit. I thought that was super lame. I'll give almost every park in PA an edge over that one.
  22. TR=Trip Report
  23. If I had to hear one more time about the Rolls Royce with ski racks on it during the skier big air I was going to throw my snowboard through the TV.
  24. http://www.steepandcheap.com/ Check it out. I know the vert hounds around here have been talking about these things. If I had some cash I'd probably look into it too.
  25. Schif

    Everything Elk

    I got caught up in that backpack rule 2 years ago. I got away with a few runs with it before a patroller stopped me and I had to put it in the lodge. It wasn't a huge deal for me. I was only really riding with it so I could get used to the feel of a pack before I went to VT where I knew I was going to ride all day with it. While I agree that sometimes carrying a pack can be very beneficial, there really isn't any mountain in PA that really warrants it. If I leave my stuff in any PA lodge I can most likely get back to it within 10 minutes. As for the trees at Elk, well no one has glades except Frost. I've played in the woods at Elk plenty of times you've just got to be smart about it.
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