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Everything posted by Schif

  1. It would replace Long Haul
  2. Schif

    Rail Jam

    You wouldn't want to let those twins go to waste with an offer like that GSS....
  3. So are any PASR's going to be around K-mart this weekend? mark, 'dude, parkbuilder?
  4. You never know who a drunk person is going to be. I know a few people that are happy and goofy and pretty smart 99% of the time, but when they get drunk they want to fight everyone within 3 blocks.
  5. Are you going to come out and party on saturday?
  6. I was going to start a thread or something about this but it works here. There are actually going to be 3 PASR's heading up on the trip this weekend.
  7. I've actually been wondering about this myself. I've been in the, and I'm using the term extremely loosely, "back country" where they are cutting the new trails. The top part is wide open and easily turned into trails, the bottom half however is heavily contoured, rocky, includes some huge boulders and outcrops and the terrain is just not suitable for trail right next to the existing ones. I've had to hike out of that area on a few occasions because I just couldn't get back on a board. I'm curious whether they will attempt to grade this area or simply reroute the trails around the large knoll in question.
  8. The lights were on when I was coming home a little while ago.
  9. I just went out to rake leaves in a sweatshirt and it was wayyy too warm for that. No garuntees on what I'll be wearing on the snow today, definately tan pants and red A-frames though.
  10. Those helmets look pretty sick, I was looking at one yesterday.
  11. I think I'm gonna try to make it up.
  12. Stowe was open right? Thats really cool that they would let you hike on mansfield before it opened and not have to buy a ticket. That kind of thing would never fly in PA. Nice going. Great TR. Great story and great pics.
  13. I was thinking about heading up on tuesday, but if there are gonna be a bunch of PASRs on wednesday maybe i'll go then.
  14. Awesome. I'm going to be up that way today. I'll have to head over and snap some pics.
  15. google earth
  16. After looking at the webcam I'm 99.9999% sure that this was just blowing out the mice. CB has never and will never open with just marjie's. If they were actually trying to open they would definately have blown on some greens from top to bottom, not a black.
  17. Do you have to interview for every position up there? I'm looking to get on lifts over break and insidesno on here told me to just bring the application to the office when I go home this weekend
  18. Those knee bindings seem a lot like my brother's Axials.
  19. Schif

    MAC Tracks 08

    Seems pretty cool to me. I don't have a carving board, but If that limbo pole was raised half a foot or so I'd probably give it a try.
  20. Totally unnescessary. Mods wanna take care of this?
  21. If you leave your skiing style, ability (be honest), height, weight, home mountain, and any other info you can think of about yourself I'm sure some of our skiers will be able to help you.
  22. This is the biggest problem with marketing skiing/snowboarding as a vacation. I know its how the mountains make money but maybe they should throw some smartstyle into the gaper ads. This guy and his kid came with and attitude similar to that of going to an amusement park. Unfortunately instead of just riding a ride, he has to control his decent. A lot of people have the amusement park mentality when they hit the snow instead of the actuality that every time you strap or click in you are risking your own life as well as the lives of everyone around you. Thats something that a lot of people don't want to hear on vacation, but it is the truth. As much as we joke about Doug's smartstyle school it really would be a great idea.
  23. I was just on special blend's site after downloading fc/lc and it was saying that they were going to a bunch of opening days and had boulder listed as one of them. If you got first chair they're gonna hook you up with a head to toe SB package. On SB's site they have it listed as Dec 1ish. Wow were they off I wonder if they're gonna go later for a day or maybe retroactively award the gear or what. It also says they're gonna be having a little shindig that night at a local bar. Sounds pretty cool I just hope it happens and they don't decide to skip boulder because they missed the first day.
  24. I'm all for bringing n00bs to the mountain to further the sport, but to bring someone who has never seen the snow to what will be certainly the biggest clusterf**k of the year is not a great idea. Only the absolute diehards will be out tomorrow. A complete understanding of smartstyle is a necessity tomorrow, and unfortunately GrilledSteezeSandwich is in VT and can't give a course. Leave the rookie at home and enjoy the early season.
  25. it has to do something with Love park and skating. What exactly i'm not sure. maybe a more urban themed park?
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