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Everything posted by Schif

  1. They must have heard about CB and the cold weather safety program :tinfoil:
  2. PICS PICS PICS for the sad few of us who can't make it out
  3. Didn't even know you could do that with the font^
  4. How could you not be stoked? This is probably the most exciting part of the ski season. SUPER STOKE x 10^100000000000000
  5. Well thats not too bad. It will definitely make that area much more manageable on friday nights when its packed, especially if they put a beginner park on mainline again.
  6. Sounds like a lot of trees to be taken down all at once. What are they doing taking trees out by highball/mainline? I'll have to head up over thanksgiving to see what they're doing. I just hope its not to put some glades there. The last thing we need are beginners weaving through trees. though I can't imagine they would do that, I just can't see where they would be pullling them down from in that area.
  7. I think there needs to be some sort of bet where if AJeff loses he has to spend a day on twins at boulder.
  8. Besides between switch and spike and the new trails, where are they cutting them down?
  9. Way to go boulder! They definately have the temps right now. Is this a full confirmation? If it is, I might very well explode with joy tonight.
  10. YYYYYEEEEESSSSS!!! First guns on in PA of the season. W00t!!!!! :woot :rock :wiggle ^can you tell I"m a little excited
  11. As a Civil Engineer I find it beyond stupid to have a pump used to fill a pond. Rain/gravity does a great job of that and costs a lot less to operate than a big pump. I'm not knocking you or anything bud, I'm not denying the existence of those pumps, but I think you're just a little mistaken about their purpose.
  12. The pumps send pond water up the mountain and into all the guns.
  13. Schif

    Pick me a board

    Any opinions on the rome flag? I'm between that and the forum stomper.
  14. Schif

    Pick me a board

    i can get a proform price so somewhere around 50-60% off and I think i narowed it down to the forum stomper and the rome slash.
  15. Schif

    Pick me a board

    Ok, so I can get a proform from either forum or rome. I need a WIDE board which will be 70% mountain 30% park. I know I did this a few times but its hard to pick a new stick. I'm 6' and 190lbs. Thanks in advance
  16. rotation? thats what my emech test tomorrow is mostly on. Hey TP4, nice polar bear.
  17. Does it still count as a boardslide if less than 6 inches of my board hangs over each side?
  18. Eh, no big deal to me. I love penn state football, but the sport as a whole I can take or leave. It really wouldn't make a difference to me if the NFL didn't even exist. I'm much more of a basketball/soccer/golf fan, but that usually gets me some blank stares. I really didn't realize it until I hit college but football runs peoples lives. There are just some people out there that don't even want to hear of another sport's existence because they are so devoted to this game.
  19. 'Kitten is actually a Lion?!? W00t, score another one for the good guys!! I bet you're pretty pumped for this weekend, make sure to watch college gameday and look for me. The place is exploding out here already.
  20. For now.....
  21. When you get to the point that the feature would be the same with or without the bulldozer underneath it its pretty obvious that this isn't a serious park feature, but instead a marketing ploy. I"m not knocking blue, its brilliant from a business perspective. Its pretty dumb from a riding perspective though.
  22. They've got those things at Sno
  23. How flexible would they be as far as length of employment? I'll be coming home for Christmas break for nearly a month and my parents are pushing me to get some hours somewhere during that time.
  24. I will definitely agree with you glennt the valley is one weird place. Its a place you absolutely hate when you're here, but you miss it everytime you leave. People from here are different, just plain different. It really doesn't make too much sense but its true. I'm definitely a little different than the people around me here, but I think I can attribute that to the fact that I'm reasonably well traveled, and I seem to be able to adapt to any situation that I'm in for some reason. There are definitely some places I will never be able to be comfortable in i.e. South Philly or a Texas ranch, but for the most part within the extremes I am able to formulate my thoughts into a medium that is well received by the people around me. Weird stuff happens all the time around here and you just kind of go with the flow. Its definitely a unique place. You can drive for close to an hour north/south and its just cities and towns, go 5 minutes east/west and you're in the mountains. This crazy juxtaposition of people and activities makes for some interesting folks. Especially when you have the two meeting every day in school. Another thing is that while we are relatively close to NY and Philly, its two hours as opposed to the lehigh valley's one. Until recently, this has kept the city people out, and all the valley people in. Its the kind of place where You know everyone in your school district, but its still a decently sized metropolitan area. I kind of find it hard to describe fully in words (especially right now cuz its kind of late). The dynamic of the valley is so unique. I think it would be interesting for me to try to describe it though. If anyone wants me to actually put some thought I can definitely try to get something together tomorrow. Nope, no relation to those guys. Even though the time I took my cousin from cooperstown to scranton he made me stop in front of it so he could take a picture for his friends. As for the mafia in the region, they had a very very strong presence back in the day but as of late it has been declining. A lot of the families lose their power when the older members start to die off and the kids don't take over. I know of an example personally where the son who graduated a year before me was just so stupid and incompetent he couldn't take it if he wanted to.
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