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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Nice.
  2. So where do I get myself some of these? If I could get half price tix to blue I would definitely hit up the boot multiple times over spring break.
  3. That looks incredible. Defiantly one of the biggest rainbow's I've ever seen. I'll have to convince someone to drive me out there in a week or so.
  4. Schif

    pasr day

    Not lookin to good for me. but because I'm so upset about missing PASR day at the boot and all it entails (skiing down steps, running men, steezy raps, skiing with my hair on fire, and of course the fantastic meet and greet with Mark Miller). I'll just have to have my own PASR day at Tussey and do all that stuff myself.
  5. You would never believe the crazy look I got from my 2 roomates who supposedly snowboard. As of now I think they are pure gapers. Neither of them brought their gear to school!! I broke out the iron, scraper and wax and they looked at me like I was crazy. I honestly couldn't believe it when they asked me what I was doing. Then he dropped the bombshell "Sometimes I take it to a shop before the season and they do it for me. Besides, it comes waxed from the store." : I'll admit I was niave about the whole waxing thing back in the day, but never to the point where I didn't get it done at a shop at least 2 times a year. At this point I can't imagine life before I started waxing my own gear.
  6. Looks like you're going to Touch the Sky, booter mountain style when you go for that one. :rofl
  7. I love going to elk. I really should do it more often. For me at home its only about 45 minutes to an hour away and is totally worth the drive. The only drawback to elk and what keeps me from being a local (other than the fact that Sno is 10 minutes away) is that they have very limited night skiing (never been there at night) and its generally pretty expensive. Gotta love the terrain there though. There are a lot of great cliffs as Glenn mentioned and a million opportunities to ski the trees or just wide open fields of snow. On this one run last year I went with a local through the woods on skier's left of the mountain. We had to have spent a solid 40 minutes riding extremely deep, to the point where we actually stumbled on a house. . I'm disapointed I wasn't there for this powder day. Maybe over spring break? My big thing with elk was that whenever I went I would always skip a day of school (with parent's blessing) to do it. Nothing like leaving early in the morning, passing your highschool twice when you pick up your friend, and then continuing on to Elk.
  8. I was at the last one too. According to the reports there were a lot of PASR's there that night. We really should have met up. Hopefully you guys can organize some kind of cool PASR thing this time around. I won't be back in the Poc's for a while though.
  9. 7 Springs is defiantly doable for me. Maybe within the next week or 2. First I've got to worry about exams though.
  10. I sincerely doubt they have to file every rail every day and even so why not do it after they close. Also what about the other places? They all have parks which are open every minute that the hill is. I hate to draw comparisons but over at Boulder 3 guys can completely refresh the Freedom Park, (10 features +-1) in less than half an hour. And this includes time walking, hanging out, and waiting for people to hit stuff (they do it continually all day as most of you know). I'm not saying you need refreshing during the day (it wouldn't hurt) but to say that you need 2 hours taken out of the day to work on the park is completely contradictory to the model shown by all of the other pocono resorts as well as any others outside the area that I have visited. I worked at a golf course for 5 years as a greenskeeper. From sun up to sun down there were people playing golf on that course. To keep someone off of the course for maintenance work is simply unheard of. At 7am play began every day. This is why I was there at 6 every morning and nearly finished with certain jobs by 7. Now I can tell you from experience that cutting 4 greens or re cutting the 18 cups is a much longer job than raking lips and putting up fences. Even if something came up or I was moving slowly that day the people who paid the big bucks to get on the course always had a right of way. I've dodged many a ball, and even had 2 holes cut on one green (didn't get the old hold plugged up yet) when someone had to play through. I would step aside, smile and even help with a lost ball or a green reading. I guess what I'm getting at is that park crew should get there early and get the job done. When you go somewhere and pay a lot of money for something ,(lift tickets are certainly not cheap, especially for a college kid) you expect to get what you paid for. I don't have a season pass to anywhere so every time I drive to a mountain and cringe when I pay the bill for a ticket I always try to get the most for my money. Having a park closed for 2 hours of the day, closing half the mountain (because its too cold), and other such practices make it really hard for me to feel that I am really getting my money's worth that day. I don't want this to be seen as a rant/flame against CB. I like the mountain. Lets call this constructive criticism.
  11. Makes sense I guess, extremely lame though. How come no other mountain does it?
  12. Completely agree. Hey CB reps, whats the reasoning behind this move?
  13. Some pics of the snow here. This is just one small area of campus. Some kids built a nice jump on the hill across the street from my place so I'll probably get some shots there soon. I couldn't do a whole lot the other day, the light was so flat nothing was coming out for me. (any tips on how to help with that would be appreciated)
  14. Schif

    FREE day

    Funny this thread came up now. Tonight PSU threw a "free night" at the mens bball game. Every student who showed up just went right on in.
  15. And food from down the street is cheper than everyone's!
  16. Other places have definately done stuff like this in the past. I can definately remember pics of a guy in a Captain Morgan suit hanging out at CB. Its probobly just one of those days where they have a ton of Yueng logos everywhere and specials in the bar.
  17. Still doesn't make it right.......
  18. Those are some sick looking boxes. I can't wait to get back to Sno and hit them. "The Podium" looks like you can have a lot of fun on it.
  19. Gondolas are a lot of fun. The social thing is a big part of it (right next to going up and staying warm). I think its more of a social atmosphere in a gondola because you're facing half the people in it, and you are warm enough to carry on a conversation. I love talking to random people on lifts/gondolas, it makes the ride up a lot more fun and you can generally meet some cool people and hear cool stories. Well Method, I generally avoid malarious conversations, but I guess you have a better immune system than me. I find it pretty weird that people would make out in a gondola with other people in it too. Thats why they put hot tubs in most of the hotel complexes.
  20. Good point. The homeless thing is a little old, (from back before sno opened) so I was hesitant to put down my home mountian as one I've never technically gone to. I'm surprised you didn't pick up on the fact that I was out here from the context of my posts for the past 2 years though. The kicker is news to me, last week it was only 3 rails and a box, the box being the only thing anyone was actually hitting. And 'Dude, what did you think of that sweet quad, its definately the only one like it I've ever seen.
  21. Congrats Dude. You should have sent me a message or something. I live literally 5 minutes away from the great Tussey. We even had a little shindig saturday night you would have been more than welcome to attend.
  22. Tussey you say? Which race is there this weekend?
  23. Schif


    Ok let me rephrase that. I remembered what the trails would look like cut out, I was more wondering along the lines of pitch. Would they try to grade them in sections to add a lot of steepness, or would they just allow them to follow the natural fall of the mountian.
  24. Schif


    I never thought about that before. We know they will cut a few new trails, but do we know what kind they will be? I highly doubt that they will be greens, and that part of the mountain has a lot of blues. I would love to see a top to bottom double diamond, but with the way its currently "zoned" that wouldn't fit. Maybe just 2 or 3 more upper/lower blue to black combos? Anyone hear anything yet?
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