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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Schif


    The new trails will be top to bottom out past the fast tracks.
  2. Schif

    The Knob

    I"d be interested to go there mostly for the glades and the bowl. n0xide, whats the bowl like?
  3. I hope more tables come in that big new shipment. I was really looking forward to hitting the flat gap down table thing.
  4. I'm assuming that they are due to the fact that XNick's picture was taken at Sno.
  5. I was kind of wondering about that too. Especially that 40 foot rail at the bottom of the smaller park last year. I only went there twice last year and I just couldn't seemt to clean that thing. There is nothing more frustrating than to get 35 feet on a 40 foot rail. I was kind of hoping to try to conquer that one this year.
  6. That pic is definately awesome. I kind of like how he's still in the air because you can see everyone sitting at the table, even the guy whose head is between the rider's legs. Definately one of the best pics I've seen this season.
  7. Schif


    Thats pretty impressive. Does anyone else have a pure snow pipe? Thats gonna take a lot of the white stuff, but if any mountian has the power to put it down, I'd give the benefit of the doubt to Sno.
  8. about the X-games. Nothing good, nothing bad, you would expect some kind of talk right after the only mainstream competiton for freestyle boarding/skiing. I'm guilty of not really watching a whole lot of it, but I did watch most of sunday's daytime coverage. Here are my thoughts on it. I understand that they have to dumb it down a bit for the ordinary audience, but wow, those announcers were killing me. If I had to hear them say "scare case", "stair-ilizer" or "kangaroo flip" one more time I was serously coming through the tv at these guys. I did like the set up for slopestyle though. It looked like a good course, some very nice jumps, the rails could have been better, but they weren't terrible. I watched the Skier-X races too. I thought that course was awesome and there were a lot of great races, very exciting competition to watch. I also really liked how Daron Rhalves (who I only know of because of the racers here, and subsequently rooted for because of this) entered. He was smoking everyone through the first couple heats, unfortunately he took a nasty spill in the finals. The one event that was a first and I hope a last that I saw was the snowboard best trick. They did it like a tournament, with each rider facing the other head to head. 2 hits each, best score advances. The problem here was that the jump just wasn't big enough. They couldn't throw flips, only spins. It also got pretty stale, since you were only competing against one guy at a time, there were certain situations where it was actually advantagous to hold back and just beat the other guy by landing something small. This was pretty lame to watch (especially when someone would do the same trick 4 or 5 times in a row). They also did this one live, the guys got back up to the top of the jump somewhat quickly, but they took their time (and rightfully so) which didn't make for great TV. They have to do something better next year so they don't have one hit every 5 + minutes. As for pipe, maybe someone has more input than me, I wasn't around to see the finals, and I'm not really a big pipe fan anyway.
  9. You know, since I saw that picture of of eveyrone at the table, I've been thinking of a way to get a shot of somone sliding it, and someone eating. Maybe throw a picinic basket/blanket in there somewhere.
  10. The woods on Lightning are always a good time.
  11. I really don't know if I would be able to get that close to a mountain and not ride.
  12. I never really understood why Frost never got lights. Every other mountain in the area has them. Even Elk, which doesn't subsribe to any of the pocono norms has a few.
  13. Schif

    Under Armour

    I wear polar max and I love it. Super comfortable and works like a charm. I love Under Armour and I've got a ton, but only the free stuff I got from playing basketball.
  14. Yesss!!! Seeing snow from top to bottom definately made me happy, but this just put it to a whole new level. Just say when and I'll pry myself away from this place for a PASR day at Sno
  15. I saw that pic and the footage on the news. They didn't show any footage of the wreck though.
  16. I love the ones that just say "obstacle" on lollypops next to a rail, especially when you can see the rail from a lot farther away than the sign.
  17. Exactly where I"m at right now. When I first started riding I progressed through each part of the mountain and never even thought twice about jumps or rails. At this stage in the game I have done every black/double black in the area over and over and over again. Within the realm of progression on trails I'm done right about now. There isn't a trail in this area where I feel I have to progress more on. That being said, I am beginning to move to the park. Its a place where I am definately not the best I can be, and I can still progress as a snowboarder. To stick to ripping down trails would be a disservice to myself at this point. If I'm not progressing I might as well just buy a ticket for snowtubing. Sure there are people who have not mastered the rest of the mountain, but thats their choice. Its pretty hard to compare a free style champion with a gold medalist racer. I know though that myself and a large number of people have, and are moving forward as mentioned above.
  18. It sure seems that way. I was trying to keep people away though and send them to boulder. We can't be having a lot of people going to Sno, it would be unnatural.
  19. Woah, I don't like this attitude thats starting to develop, remember how awesome Frost and Boulder are?
  20. Schif


    Doug and TGR round 2...........
  21. definately a sweet edit. loved the ending.
  22. Only a little more than halfway for me. Sweet edit though
  23. Schif


    Just pointing out this word before this thread gets shut down. Continue gentlemen
  24. Are the waffles really that good?
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