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Everything posted by Schif

  1. I never really understood why Frost never got lights. Every other mountain in the area has them. Even Elk, which doesn't subsribe to any of the pocono norms has a few.
  2. Schif

    Under Armour

    I wear polar max and I love it. Super comfortable and works like a charm. I love Under Armour and I've got a ton, but only the free stuff I got from playing basketball.
  3. Yesss!!! Seeing snow from top to bottom definately made me happy, but this just put it to a whole new level. Just say when and I'll pry myself away from this place for a PASR day at Sno
  4. I saw that pic and the footage on the news. They didn't show any footage of the wreck though.
  5. I love the ones that just say "obstacle" on lollypops next to a rail, especially when you can see the rail from a lot farther away than the sign.
  6. Exactly where I"m at right now. When I first started riding I progressed through each part of the mountain and never even thought twice about jumps or rails. At this stage in the game I have done every black/double black in the area over and over and over again. Within the realm of progression on trails I'm done right about now. There isn't a trail in this area where I feel I have to progress more on. That being said, I am beginning to move to the park. Its a place where I am definately not the best I can be, and I can still progress as a snowboarder. To stick to ripping down trails would be a disservice to myself at this point. If I'm not progressing I might as well just buy a ticket for snowtubing. Sure there are people who have not mastered the rest of the mountain, but thats their choice. Its pretty hard to compare a free style champion with a gold medalist racer. I know though that myself and a large number of people have, and are moving forward as mentioned above.
  7. It sure seems that way. I was trying to keep people away though and send them to boulder. We can't be having a lot of people going to Sno, it would be unnatural.
  8. Woah, I don't like this attitude thats starting to develop, remember how awesome Frost and Boulder are?
  9. Schif


    Doug and TGR round 2...........
  10. definately a sweet edit. loved the ending.
  11. Only a little more than halfway for me. Sweet edit though
  12. Schif


    Just pointing out this word before this thread gets shut down. Continue gentlemen
  13. Are the waffles really that good?
  14. Schif


    Next up, a flock of bactrians and a few dromedaries. Could someone warn us of the day the release the Asps though, I don't think I want to be there for that one.
  15. So clutch......
  16. Did the patroller grabbing you happen in the lodge or on the snow? The story suggests on the slope, but last time I checked there weren't a whole lot of cameras on mainline.
  17. I have a wig left over from halloween......
  18. My $0.02 on this issue. Why not throw some more rails in there? I was looking at some of the pics of the park from CB's website and it looks empty. This would solve a lot of issues. First of all more features, especially side by sides, creates less traffic on them. If half the people hit the left rail, and half hit the right, then you've got half as much rutting to deal with. This would also make more people happy. I understand that LG is the "Progression Park", but having 3 or 4 ride on rails isn't progressing anyone anywhere. All the jibhonks here would love a huge battleship or an urban set up, but I understand why you wouldn't put it in there. Why not go for something just a little bigger then? A good example of this is the Freedom Park at Boulder. I don't want to start a comparison thing here, but even just one box like they have in that park would go a long way. A long flat box, maybe 1-2 feet off the ground, with a little gap to it. This would allow a simple medium for people to start learning gap on moves before they graduate to Rhodo, and will keep the more advanced riders happy as well. I don't think anyone on here would be opposed to a nice smooth box to get tech on. Well theres my 2/100 of a dollar. Who knows if it will change anything, and it really doesn't affect me all that much because I don't go to CB a whole lot anymore (too expensive for a day ticket), but it kills me to see a mountain with more than enough capital having a bad little park "because eventually we'll have a big one!"
  19. Schif

    holy crap

    Thats really creepy TP4 Back to the clear cutting though. When I was up there for opening day there weren't any trees between the trails, but there were enough rocks, stumps and pipes to keep me out of there. Are they planning on opening that area up for skiing/riding this season? If they do they're gonna need a ton of snow to get above all that stuff.
  20. This free ticket thing sounds promising, it may make the drive worthwhile. I may be there now, it kind of depends on what the scene is like here next weekend.
  21. I agree 100%. You showed me the light that is the on snow Waffle Haus
  22. Thats why I think it would actually work at Boulder if they went all park. Its hard to find a trail there that I would actually want to ride for the fun of it, especially anything to skiers left of Merry Widow.
  23. So the jist of the matter is that ski areas and other big companies work on a kind of "free nights and weekends" plan?
  24. Whats up with Montage/sno and C boxes. The first box they ever had was a C and now they're putting in 4? Seems like overkill if you ask me.
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