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Everything posted by Schif

  1. That doesn't sound like a PASRish move if you ask me.
  2. sounds about right, neither one is any bigger than thats for sure.
  3. Well someone on here is going to have to start going out with her. Any volunteers?
  4. You know, I've never actually been to bear creek, and their lack of vert was kind of scaring me away. Maybe I'll give it a try this season.
  5. I've always been a fan of Montage's jumps. I just like the way they're built. Maybe its because they're the first ones I jumped on but I just really like the shape of them. I think CB easily had (past tense I'm not making any speculations about this year) my least favorite jumps of all the mountains.
  6. If i'm not mistaken thats the story with Big Mountian right Sib? You guys have to worry about opening and closing because of bears, not snow.
  7. Schif


    Just to add the final chapter to this. Theres a video and a bunch of pics up now. Check it out. http://www.psusnowboarding.com/forum_media/
  8. Does anyone know of a projected date for Killington to fire them up?
  9. Theres a list on the website, I'm not sure exactly how accurate it will be but its there.
  10. That one rail on the corner of campus is possibly the best looking one i've ever seen. Probobly 100+ feet and at a perfect slope with grass on one side and steps on the other.
  11. That would be a great place for a beginner park. Near the Lodge, easily visible, not too big. I honestly don't think that would be long enough at all. Even if it is pretty wide that just means more lines and fewer hits on each line leading to a lower quality ride through the park.
  12. That seems like a pretty small park if you ask me.
  13. I do, but its kind of sketchy, half the places do and half the places don't. I've actually got 2 abc's out here and one is 16.
  14. Great to hear Sno! Things seem to be looking good for this season. I can't wait to see the news tonight.
  15. Schif

    32 The Lashed

    What do you usually make working in a shop? That is actually one job I would love to have.
  16. Schif

    New boots

    Every 15 minutes I'm opening up urbandictionary.com so i can understand the new random combo of letters he throws out there.
  17. They better get in gear. Its already the end of october. Are they putting in new water lines to these new guns? They're really going to be pushing installation either way.
  18. OLN was really messed up for me too. When we first got the digital cable we got it, then a few months later it just wasn't there anymore. I think they gave us another outdoors channel instead.
  19. I agree with Jibbo, on the up side though they're gonna be great for PASR gaper day!
  20. Schif


    I have to say I expected a post like this haha. On a similar note I guess I got in a lot later than I thought concidering the timng of your post. My roomie was right, 5 am. Ok so THAT was last night. It was raining like crazy so my jacket was soaked when I got there but its all good. The place was pretty much full and people were sitting in the aisles and up top so I'm estimating somewhere around 700 people at the premeir. The pros were down at the bottom of the room and Stevie Bell seemed to take the MC role. He was really pumped and into it. He introduced all the other riders and they came out and said a few words. They were all great, but no one seemed to have the level of enthusiasm as Stevie, he also loved the We Are chant and kept pulling it out. As far as giveaways it was more scarce than what I thought. A lot of green THAT hats, some beer cozies from the club, and stickers. Also since we're got a Red Bull hookup in the club there was a ton of that. (yes they had sugarfree for you Doug) The pros threw some boxes into the crowd, they were like big dvd cases with THAT artwork all over them. One of the boxes had a ticket in it and the kid who caught that one got a Forum board. The movie was great. Really well done and extremely entertaining. Some incredible moves and some equally incredible bails. After the movie the pros were down at the bottom and signed stuff for a while, then it was off to the afterparty. PARTY: It was raining rediculously heavy and I wanted to change so I went back to my place with Pyro. I put on a nice shirt over my ski patrol one and had 3 vodka redbulls. We walked over to the snowboard house and were completely soaked but its all good at a party like this one. The pros didn't stay at the party too long, but it was enough for me to grab a quick toast with Eddie Wall and JP Walker. We did this one right, the place was packed, the music was great and it doesn't hurt that we had 10 kegs. Yes I said 10 kegs, its a lot but they were going, and they were on Forum's tab. Needless to say I had a good night and was still pretty buzzed throughout all my classes. I sobered up somewhere around 2. THAT ROCKS
  21. Schif

    Oct 18th

    I knew they repositioned them, but I thought that was every week or so.
  22. Nice, it would be pretty clutch if they converted that tow for the tubing into something we could use
  23. I just looked at the site and it seems to be updated with "New 13' halfpipe". Where are they going to put in a pipe and isn't it a little late for them to be starting construction on one?
  24. I've got one of the iridium lenses, I forget which one though, its kind of yellowish. Does anyone know how much an A frame lens goes for on ebay? or is there a good way to get little scrateches out?
  25. Thats only 1
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