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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Why are you calling out the MBAs on this? If anyone is qualified to make a determination on this it's Dr. @toast21602
  2. This is amazing. I think I need to go to Whistler
  3. Testing requirements to enter Abu Dhabi we're just dropped.
  4. Where are you staying? Did you take the T bar yet?
  5. Live look in. This doesn't suck
  6. The VIP line really helps. How would I put that into the calculations about season pass value though?
  7. I completely understand that skis are the better way to get around but a snowboard is unequivocally more fun when going downhill.
  8. I rode the lift on Saturday with a guy who was trying to convince me that the best thing would be if Blue wound up on the Ikon pass.......
  9. A combo pass would be interesting. I would keep the passes separate but offer access to the other mountain. At the end of a year you would have some useful data as to who went to the other mountain, when and how often.
  10. Forget the lockers. Let's just build one of those "Little Free Libraries" in the lot and we can all just leave stuff in there* *Beer, it will be full of beer.
  11. Remind me to wear jeans, sneakers and an old Eagles jacket that day so I'm prepared.
  12. This is going to be the year I go tubing. If I don't do it this year I'll just be another year older when I do
  13. I noticed that the season passholder party is officially gone for good. Not that I expected it though. Also this is two years in a row where they mention "Access to special season pass holder promotional discounts throughout the year" or "Special Season passholder perks". As a group who's up there literally every day how have we missed out on these great deals?
  14. If they do paid parking I bet they just install a bunch of kiosks and you pay by plate. They will just give the parking lot attendants a scanner and/or ipad and they will walk around checking cars periodically. What happens at a lot like that if you don't pay though? Do you get towed?
  15. Well I'm not surprised after that long session you put in today
  16. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-alpine-ski-racings-500-000-per-kid-problem-11645181642?mod=hp_listc_pos3 Interesting article about the state of ski racing in the US. "The total cost for a junior ski racing career can top $500,000, according to a 2019 survey by U.S. Ski & Snowboard of ski clubs, academies and colleges. That total includes everything from ski camps and academy tuition to more-specialized equipment and racing fees." "Ski racing has never been cheap. But it was long accessible to people with more modest means and those who lived in or near mountain towns, said Steve Porino, an American former racer working as an NBC Olympics commentator. Now, racing in the U.S. is for one-percenters, he said."
  17. Saturday: Probably Sunday: Might make that a party day. Champagne anyone? Monday: Yup. Last day on the snow for at least 2 weeks
  18. I miss the moose mascot
  19. I completely forgot how bad their maps were, and also that they reclassified the trails. Gotta love the double blues.
  20. I rode that pipe a few times, got to the top of the wall once and I was good. Really puts into perspective how insane the Olympic riders really are. Sno Mountain should be a case study for how investing way too much into parks (and randomly cutting down a thousand trees) is not a great business move. I really think that the super pipe was the nail in the coffin for them.
  21. RIP the Sno mountain super pipe
  22. They do, and they are rarely used to their full potential and they require you to have a very specialized attachment to one of your cats. All practical thinking says that they are more hassle than they are worth. When I was watching the olympics I was really thinking to myself, where do these riders even go to train? I can't think of many mountains that still have one.
  23. My only complaint is that they don't have a halfpipe
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