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Everything posted by Schif

  1. makes sense....
  2. Schif

    Getting closer!

    Army Navy has skis?
  3. Heres an idea. What if we orgainzed PASR days far enough in advance that we could call up a mountain and get a group rate. This would 1. orgainize the whole thing much more 2. get people cheap tix to mountain's that aren't their home 3. get everyone together because they have to pick up their tickets.
  4. They actually used to have a frisbee golf course. It wasn't all that bad. All around the base area and then up highball/mainline a little bit. This is really just getting rediculous. We've just got to hope the judge has a good head on his shoulders or is a skier. Not that I live in lacawanna county, but I know if I did Washo wouldn't be getting my vote next time around.
  5. Schif

    CB R.I.P

    Its sad to think of but this is really the case. For the past few winters I can't remember snow sticking around on the ground for more than 2 weeks at a time. Without good snowmaking we would ride maybe 2 days a year.
  6. Wouldn't it be much easier to build on a relatively flat golf course than on the side of a steep mountain?
  7. New England Lost Ski Areas Project http://nelsap.org/
  8. That would be pretty cool to have a superpipe. I might even give it a try even though I'm not a huge pipe guy. I just hope they can control who gets in it if its on sunbowl. I'm assuming it would be park pass protected.
  9. Cool pics shadows. Nice job on keeping everyone updated. I would have gone and sat in one of the chairs if I was you.
  10. Very cool stuff.
  11. Understandable, yeah this current one is just a start for me, I'll be down in Quakertown for a while in a few weeks working on a big shopping center, thats when I'll really get a taste of how everything works together. Right now its easier for me to work on a small site with one thing happening at a time because when I started I was a complete n00b. The problem lies in the fact that we're between a U-haul and a parking lot on a downslope. There is a short steep bank on the u-haul side (high side) and a more gradual one on the other. Being an empty lot for so long, most of u-haul's storm runoff just shoots out of a pipe, or gushes along over our bank. Never a problem before, but won't work well for a store on the lot. It was solved by putting in an enormous underground system of holding pipes, and a specially designed slow release into the city's storm sewer. I'm sorry, I'm not totally sure where I got that from, I just checked my plans and it says that final plans were completed and opened for bids on October 19, 2005. I will definately learn more, I never tried to say I had all the answers, just some knowledge I've gotten in 2 months in the field. Yes it was definately a lack of money from the owner. Its a local business who is building a big new store as well as 4 commercial properties in a shopping center to be owned by the the owner. The contractor's arent' too happy now that the owner has money and they have to start working faster than they've been used to. Yeah, that includes the architectural plans etc...
  12. Ok here's my 2 cents. I"m now starting to get into the civil engineering field. I'm going to PSU to get a degree in Civil Engineering, I work at a firm full time all summer and learn every aspect of this field from the ground up. I can't claim to have a huge wealth of knowledge just yet, but I definately know a decent amount. Yes Erosion and Sedimentation control is a huge deal. I can't possibly imagine how it could take years for a control plan to be devised and approved though. Anything built anywhere needs an Erosion and Sedimentation Control plan. It is the first thing you look at when you get to a site and it is the last thing you look at before you leave. I'm on a relatively small site for now only 2.8 acres (in 2 weeks I'll be traveling around the state to 100+ acre sites). We've got slopes on both sides, a major water runoff problem and will need retaining walls. The Erosion plans (ES1 and ES2) are only 2 pages out of 42 pages of plans. The original set of plans with an approved ES1 and ES2, were approved in January of 2005. Since then There have been many changes, and work has been going on (rather slowly because the owner didn't have any money). The fact of the matter is that we got permits for the erosion, as well as sewer, electric, cable, construction, excavation etc. in a relatively short time. This is in Wilkes-Barre Township too so everything is very controlled. I've personally seen a years worth of red tape be cut down in 5 minutes by a CivE going and talking to the governor. With a county backing it, I can't possibly see how this could turn into a huge problem. From an engineering perspective, with a great crew, this could be finished before this season. Will it? No way, SMLLC has bigger fish to fry and won't devote that energy right off the bat to a relativlely small improvement. I do believe however that it can be done for next year. Whew, I'm kind of tired now
  13. I really haven't even heard of all that many boards using extruded bases lately
  14. What kind of permits do you need to do work like that? I'm assuming it has more to do with running water/electricity than anything else.
  15. Honestly how long could it possibly take to cut a trail? Cut out the trees, remove the surface rocks, grade it down to what you're looking for. I bet with a decent crew you could bang one out in 2 months.
  16. As long as I don't have to deal with lift lines on a regular basis this is going to be AWESOME!!
  17. This sale is huge. I'm so pumped right now. Next year everything including park can only get bigger and better. I"m still gonna call it Montage too xNick
  18. I saw a quick commercial for WYOU. Look for news at 11!
  19. Did anyone hear anything yet? I'm getting really anxious.
  20. Only 2 more days of waiting and worrying........
  21. Schif

    hiking blue

    Come on I wanted to see them. Awesome ideas though. Any shots of the construction?
  22. Oak Grove by itself is pretty short. If I were them I'd extend it down 24 (not so great with CB's middle mountain trails) Then the lift at the bottom of it can serivce both parks almost exclusively.
  23. Interesting ideas. I'm not sure how well a halfpipe would work on a BEGINNER slope though. The last thing anyone wants is someone on skis for the first time trying to hop into a pipe. You know it would happen too because thats what n00bs are exposed to on tv the most.
  24. The meeting was actually hilarious to watch on TV. Washo would say something stupid and Corado would shoot him down. This went on for half an hour. The worst was the people who stood up and said they thought Sno mountain was trying to take advantage of the county, and of course Washo agreed wholeheartedly. The guy is really just money crazy. He has no concept for the well being of the mountain or its employees, just so the county can grab some extra cash.
  25. I just watched some of Snow Time's proposal on TV. They said that in response to Sno mountain's offer they would be willing to go to 5.1 million too. Of course ski's buddy Washo was singing Snow Time's praises and saying how impressed he was with their 10 minutes to make cheap powerpoint presentation.
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