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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Schif

    PASR Day

    Where is this boarder cross going to be at and again will it close off any good trails/parks for an extended period of time?
  2. I bet this pond skimming thing will be pretty fun. As long as the water isn't too deep. Are there any special tricks or techniques or do you just rip at it and pull back?
  3. Schif

    PASR Day

    Ok so is this pasr day going to be pretty bare?
  4. No way, they'll bring in their cbeach guys. They should have them run around in shorts in the snow.
  5. Schif

    PASR Day

    Thats a no brainer PASR Day!!
  6. I bet a bumped up green would be pretty fun
  7. Schif

    PASR Day

    So who is going to be there?
  8. Schif

    PASR Day

    Will they close the park all day for the slopestyle? I want to go to a PASR day, but it won't be as fun if they close down the park.
  9. That looks suprisingly similar to a homework problem I did..........
  10. Is a J rail a straight rail that curves around at the end?
  11. The absolute last thing I would want is montage to be bought by a big snow company. I can't stand the way camelback is corporate like that. CB just has a "plastic feel" to it. Everything is set up just right, there are fences to keep you on the trails, big bright signs, lots of hype. Montage is much simpler. Theres a lodge, a few lifts and snow. There aren't huge roadsigns all over the place that tell you the trail turns, you figure it out yourself, i mean half the trails don't even have signs that tell you which ones they are. Thats the charm of Montage. Glad you finally found the North Face, i think they are the best trails in the area. Once you get a feel for the place it becomes your second home and you'd never want to change it for anything.
  12. Schif

    I got in!!

    Congrats, thats pretty cool that you're going to college for skiing!!
  13. Schif

    New Park

    Well I went last night to see the new park and it wasn't half bad. For the first time of the season we had a park (kinda sad I know but w/e). The lower half of Tuscarora is now the park. From top to bottom there is a small tabletop, a picnic table, a rainbow rail, a big table, and at the bottom there is a big downkink and straight box, each with at least a 3-4 foot gap on. The bottom of Utah has a ride on flat rail and 2 straight but angled down rails with a 1-2 foot gap on. I was impressed and had a good time on this new stuff. Apparantly the reason was because of the PSU open there last weekend, a slopestyle, big air and rail jam spaced over 3 days.
  14. Same here poc.
  15. Bad choice on threads doug, i thought this was a fresh thread and they already announced one for this year.
  16. Who gets what if they win?
  17. Who wants to chip in and we can make a little PASR private resort there?
  18. That sounds sick. I can't wait until Spring Break!
  19. Awesome pics. Is that mogul course built up off the surrounding ground?
  20. Sorry, but thats just the way of the world haha.
  21. Are you kidding me? Haven't you ever heard the term poor college student. Its not a joke. Natty is what you have on a good night. Do you really think a frat is going to spend the cash to get 30 cases of anything even remotely expensive. I don't care though because for some strange reason I enjoy the taste of it.
  22. Whats the maximum capacity of CB? How long would the lines be at that point? I'd sure hate to be there that day.
  23. why do they call it the poopdaddy?
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