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Everything posted by Schif

  1. For my first 2 years on the snow I never saw the light of day. I always went up at night with ski clubs because I rented.
  2. cliffy is mad steezy especially when its groomed well.
  3. I just got the e-mail about that. Seems pretty cool. Good to see Montage stepping into the world of park action.
  4. That would be awesome. It would probobly suck if you wrecked though. I can see myself coming home w/ some patches of skin missing, but still a smile on my face.
  5. Its not cool at all that a mountain would close. I liked the analogy about movie theatres. We die hards only have a short time each year to fully enjoy our sport. I completely understand the idea that cb would lose money by being open. How much though? If it were a small mountain that is getting by year to year I would be upset, but understand. CB has no reason. Losing some money one night will not drive the monster conglomerate CBH2O into the ground. Its completely unnescessary for a place as big as CB to close for any reason other than complete lack of snow.
  6. yeah, I'm not really sure where all this neon stuff is coming from. All the catalogs and stuff i see are matching patterns. Lots of the people on the mtns have matching stuff. The patterns are pretty crazy too, nothing like i've ever seen anywhere else.
  7. Where is this tree at?
  8. Does anyone on here carry that much stuff that one would be nescessary? Are all of your pockets that full that you need one on your leg? Should I have more stuff on me when I ride?
  9. Yeah well there were guys on horses, and a man on fire and I killed a man with a trident. Beat that.
  10. Doug I'm with you all the way on the goat thing. The snow gods would be all over a goat sacrifice and it would be pretty cool too. How much do goats go for now-a-days? Anyone want to chip in for one?
  11. What did you guys think of the regular rainbow box. It seemed to me that there was no transition back to the ground. It just slammed back at an angle. Whenever I hit it I had to get to the top and jump as soon as I started going down.
  12. Ok I gotcha. I know what you are talking about I just never heard of them referred to as "airblasters". Personally I enjoy the millions of pockets on my jacket/pants, so I don't really need an extra one.
  13. so its like a piece of protective gear?
  14. I have never heard of an air blaster in my entire life and I though I was generally up on gear.
  15. I believe its the Magna traction from Lib tech. Pyro_boarder has one. From when we rode together it seemed to work pretty well. The one day at Montage it was rediculously icy and I just couldn't hold an edge in some spots. He seemed to get through them just fine. Ask him and I'm sure you can get a lot more info.
  16. Where did you hear those rumors about a high speed lift? I've been dropping stuff in the suggestion box about that for a few years now. Maybe they'll name it after me.
  17. I won't be there, I'll be at Zonked's :naughty
  18. As of last week they had 4. The first was 2 side by side tables of decent size (there may be a possible transition) the next one is a nice table, pretty big and well done. The last jump is an absolute monster. 2 different take offs, each has to be at least 20 feet above the ground.
  19. I noticed at Montage too that they are now concidering Friday as part of the weekend.
  20. Ski999, you've got to watch what you say. If you keep talking about Montage like this I might actually have to get in a, dare I say it, "lift line".
  21. Are there any acutal jumps on it? Like tables or things where you have to carry something?
  22. Doesn't stop me from watching the Western Swing! (and occasionally putting when I was on break)
  23. That can't be too good for them. Mine are in my room with the cover on them.
  24. Are they going to just have it on the current boardercross track? It seemed a little too small and short when I tried to race my friends on it. Turns were too small to fit more than 1 rider on them. It could have used some more rollers in the middle too.
  25. Thats my Montage!!
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