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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Only one trail Come on. Even little tussey here is opening with 100%
  2. Everyone talks about Bear Creek. Maybe there is something to this place. We'll see if the schedule permits a trip or not.
  3. Schif

    Hey CB

    Come on, you guys never heard of skipping school? Not that I've ever done anything like that........
  4. Come on guys, when you get fresh pow it opens up the woods and other areas not normally rideable.
  5. According to the Daily Collegian, Tussey Mountain is slotted for the tenth to open.
  6. Schif

    Killy Report

    There was one small park on Reason. All rails/boxes. No jumps anywhere. I didn't really hit up the park much. On Sunday the Rails to Riches rails were open to the public.
  7. Schif

    Elk is not Bankrupt

    Interesting thing, I guess this rumor is really getting out there, I heard a few people talking about Elk being bankrupt on the bus to k-mart this weekend.
  8. Ok, I just got back from Killington for the first time. I was out there all day Saturday and all day Sunday. Not that much open, but enough to keep me occupied. Plenty for me from PA. It snowed in the morning on Saturday and all day Sunday. Sunday was overcast too, and with them blowing snow all over the place visibility was horrible. They opened more trails over the course of both days, mostly diamonds and doubles that they were blowing on. Bring the rock skis!! There were a lot of placces with thin cover. As far for peaks, Killington Peak, Snowdon, and Skye, Ramshead was open too. Not every trail from these was open, but a decent amount. All in all it was a great weekend!
  9. Schif

    Elk is not Bankrupt

    What happened? Were they not getting enough business? Their prices always did seem a little high to me.
  10. But speculating and guessing is fun and gets us through the non winter months.
  11. Snow in PA!!! Kinda weird, I'm usually up on all the snow reports, but 7 springs just seems to slip through the cracks.
  12. Wouldn't that blow your car's computer too?
  13. I"m glad I'm not the only one with this problem. My dad just doesn't understand why anyone would ever want to A. Go out in the cold or B. slide down a big mountian in the cold. He never really encouraged me to ride at all, and actually kept me from going a few times. I think it has to do with the fact that my ridng took away from basketball a little bit. (he coaches my high school's team). I think he's letting up a little now that I'm in college, but he's still not happy when I have to pay to ride.
  14. Schif

    Snow at CB

    The funniest thing I've ever seen was a some guy (presumably the father), coming through the fence from northridge followed by what had to be at least 20 tiny little kids. He kept yelling at them to stay all together (I think thats what the translation would be). Of course as soon as they stepped on the snow with their skis they started sliding all over the place and he had to run around and wrangle them all up. Needless to say I almost squished one after coming off of a rail.
  15. Thanks! That really did explain it well.
  16. Skifreak, what exactly is an HKD gun? How does it not rely on air/water? I'm extremely curious about all this snowmaking stuff.
  17. Schif

    The new guy

    My brother does something like that. He claims he has good times with "Pole Wars" where a pack of skiers head down together and smack each other with their poles until they fall down. I'm glad I ride and don't have to ski with them.
  18. Schif

    Elk Opening

    Elk strict? I've only been there a few times, but I've never run into any overly tough patrolers there. I got yelled at for jumping from the woods over a creek onto the bunny slope once, but they weren't really all that mad. Half the time I'm there I'm in the woods and no one seems to care.
  19. Schif

    Snow at CB

    As of right now, the cam is showing a ton of guns firing on the base area. I'm sure the rest of the mountain is getting its fair share too. Day snowmaking is certainly a good sign.
  20. The fast tracks/ runaways are some of the most fun trails I've ever been on. You can ride that trail all day and not see a single soul. On that note, everyone forget what you've read in this thread. I want to keep these trails to myself!
  21. The last thing I want is Montage to turn into a big corporate thing. The way it is now is perfect for me. No patrol issues, no crowds, no goofy road signs all over the place. Its just Montage.
  22. Thats what I like to hear!!!
  23. Schif

    Hunter 11-19

    Makes sense. Never thought about that. Pretty cool though.
  24. Did you get that online or at a shop? You proboby told me but I forget.
  25. Does anyone know if Salomon bindings would be compatable with a Burton board?
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