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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Thats awesome, just one step closer to snow in the east.
  2. Schif

    hydro pack algae

    Oh, I always thought it was 20/1.
  3. That S-box is awesome.
  4. I hope nothing happens to Montage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that a fire a number of years ago at Montage set them back. Apparantly a fire in the garages burned a lot of snowmaking equipment, groomers and their pipe grinder. Which is why there is no halfpipe there today. Correct me if I'm wrong please, this is just what I've heard in the past.
  5. Schif

    Season Passes

    Hoodies/shirts! Thats taking it to the next level. Very cool, very cool.
  6. As much as I love Montage, how can you trust a website that says we've had a few inches of snow so far and the conditons are spring like? Mountain=Great, Website= almost useless.
  7. I wish I could go to VT this winter.
  8. Schif

    A rumor

    Its good to see that cb is finally getting with the program. I'm a montage guy so moguls are a way of life, but every other mountian i've been to at least has one bumped up.
  9. That would be pretty cool if it happened. Whistler is kind of the black sheep of montage. Its hardly ever open. I've been riding there for 5 years and I cant say that I've been on it more than a dozen times. It was kind of fun though last year, I would go "poach it". They made all this fresh snow, but never opened the trail so i would ride it at night with the lights off, and in fresh powder. It was awesome to see the looks of people when I came out of the darkness and the trails merged.
  10. I have to agree with RomeOp I've got a pair of salomon fusions and I absolutely love them. It feels like i'm wearing a sneaker, and they're half the size/weight of everyone elses boot. The lacing system is awesome too, you can tighten them up in half a minute while your on a lift.
  11. I know at montage for the winter Keystone Games they have a parade of people come down mainline with huge flares in their hands to kick it all off.
  12. I can't say I've ever had any problems going into the woods. The ones off of fast track are awesome beacuse you can go so unbelievebly deep and the trees are spaced awesomely.
  13. Looks like a good time
  14. That thing about the all night pass is awesome! I always said that they should do that at least once a year. My initial thoughts were to do an all night ski on new years and have fireworks or something at midnight.
  15. Where is the nearest six person lift?
  16. Sounds good to me. I'll keep you guys informed on any info I may pick up while I'm down there. For anyone interested, I believe PSU has a top notch intercollegiate ski racing team, and a sweet snowboarding club. Thats not always a bad thing...........
  17. How close is Blue Knob from State College? As a freshman with no car down there it would be tough to get there, but there is a car-pool system, I just have to hope someone is going there. I think I'll be content with tussey though, concidering I can see it from my dorm, and its only 5 minutes away it seems like the way to go. If all goes well next year I'll be able to go there a few times a week to take my snowboarding gym class.
  18. I have a feeling that I'm going to be using this forum a lot due to the fact that come winter 2005 this becomes my home mountain. FYI its at Penn State. A little small and I think it still has a T-bar somewhere, but it will serve the purpose while I'm down there, at least until I get a chance to come home for Christmas break.
  19. Wow, that looks awesome.
  20. Yesterday was nice, I got to see that snow first hand from the turnpike while I was on my way to Six Flags.
  21. What a beautiful sight!
  22. What are you looking for?
  23. Can you turn on carpet?
  24. This weather is rediculous, I was freezing today at my track meet. Trust me, those uniforms are definatley designed for the warmest possible weather.
  25. Schif

    idea tossing

    Sounds really cool. I know a hardcore hockey player w/ tons of ins at the Ice Box, and he has a pickup.
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