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Everything posted by Schif

  1. We should have a PASR golf tournament in the summer.
  2. Schif

    Elk or Hunter

    I actually might be up at elk on thursday, its either that or cb. It depends if my friend can get me free tickets to elk.
  3. Schif

    Elk or Hunter

    Elk is awesome. They have some of the best trails. Jumps are fun, but there is nothing that can beat a nice long diamond.
  4. Lightning was groomed for some reason today. It was awesome with all this soft snow, I carried my speed into it for some ungodly reason and i'm pretty sure i broke the sound barrier. (as well as almost breaking the barrier around the lift cuz it kinda came up on me quick). The liftie never saw anyone fly through the lift line like that before and up cannonball a little bit.
  5. Schif

    BC park?

    http://www.skibearcreek.com/ride/index.cfm Yep here it is.
  6. Schif

    BC park?

    I'm pretty sure the website has a cool interactive park map.
  7. or the lake........
  8. We should bring a big sticker or banner or something w/ us on sunday.
  9. But you were there during the tiny window when it was flat.
  10. Me and one of my friends were concidering a trip up to canada. We figured when the snow ran out there we would head to Argentina.
  11. Schif

    Hey WeSki

    Oh, sorry to jump to conclusions.
  12. Schif

    Hey WeSki

    So is that it? It is officially set that on the 20th we're going to be meeting at Bear Creek to take over the place and have a huge PASR Party?!?
  13. Then why not just close boulder, and leave the others open.
  14. where do the snowmobiles race? I can't imagine it would be on all of the slopes.
  15. This is so stupid, why is everybody closing so early? Its still below freezing most nights and they all have deep bases.
  16. I have a feeling that the early closing is due to of course money. They should cut back in some areas to allow for a longer season. Stop giving lessons, cut back staff in the lodge, run fewer lifts. For god's sake don't close with fully covered trails and a deep base.
  17. I'm really feelin' this weather, I keep waking up to a little snow on the car and walks!
  18. That may warrent a first trip up there when everywhere else closes.
  19. There is a slight possibility i might go up there w/ a few buddies.
  20. Come on, the snow is good and deep. Why decide to close so soon? They should let this cold play out and see where it takes us.
  21. I would love riding in April, it might actually happen this year.
  22. Awesome pics, you can't even tell its March.
  23. Schif

    Elk made snow

    Its good to see mountains taking advantage of the weather and not totally giving up!!
  24. Then count me in!! It would be awesome to get a few turns in during the long greuling summer.
  25. I want to get up to JFBB this weekend.
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