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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Very nice work. Those pics are awesome.
  2. Spring riding has its ups and its downs. I hate how the season is coming to an end, but you can't beat riding in much lighter clothes (and on occasion something extremely funny).
  3. Very cool ski. I hope they respond. You can't beat a good discounted ticket. They are doing tons of promos this year too so who knows. Also, even if we don't get this, why not try to go as a group. I'm sure if we had something well organized and there were reduced tickets we'd definately get the 15+ people needed.
  4. All this talk about races. It would never happen. You guys picked one of the tiny windows in the year that Lightning is flat. You generally have to compte with edge to edge moguls. Btw the ultimate picture of Lighning would have to be at night with the huge bumps and shadows all over it.
  5. Its good to see people appreciating my mountain.
  6. Schif

    The rant

    I wish I could go to Vermont. But that would mean i'd have to pay, which means I would have to work, which means I would have to get a job. I don't like where this is going.
  7. Don't make it on saturday, I have to go to philly for a basketball game with my team.
  8. Schif

    golf clubs

    I usually quit golf a little earlier than the weather says because I really don't want to play much after my highschool season and the playoffs and district tournaments are over. Its not much fun when you play so competitively.
  9. Why would they do something now after so many years. I'm gonna bet its still there.
  10. Schif

    golf clubs

    Very true, I need something to keep me amused and my mind off boarding all summer. The killer is the one month in the spring and fall when I can't do either due to weather.
  11. Thats kinda weird, i've seen people in the spring just slap the ticket on their sweatshirts because there is no where to put the wire, and no one cared.
  12. Schif

    off the trail

    Thats funny, I usually feel better when I go off trail into the woods.
  13. How Exactly would one go about creating a bra tree? I think Montage needs one.
  14. Schif

    Ranger Interview

    I think they don't care because we don't mean enough to them. We're the ones who go up and spend more time on the slopes than money in the lodge. I'm sure they would listen to a large group of first time families.
  15. Schif


    For the c-box at montage the trick is getting the right amount of speed, too little you'll slide of, too much you'll go over the back.
  16. Schif

    Ranger Interview

    I guess this is just a major problem at cb. I have never been stopped by a ranger, at montage or anywhere and I pretty much do whatever I feel like, when I feel like it. If I pay $30 to play on their mountain, I'm going to damn well enjoy it. This is just a high risk, high reward sport.
  17. Then Everybody go up and put suggestions for new trails and a high speed quad.
  18. I tried to help the lifts last time I was there. I put a note into one of the suggestion boxes. Unfortunately it was empty except for my contribution. Why dont we just tell them to speed up the lifts, who knows they might listen.
  19. Schif


    I didn't see what happened to him, but knowing the people at montage, it probobly wasn't good.
  20. Schif


    lol Last time I was at montage I was by a ranger when he got a call on his radio to come to the bottom the terrain park. It was for "questionable equipment" a "skateboard thing". Of course he skied there as fast as humanly possible with his whistle at the ready.
  21. Why would they get fired for hiking the mountain? That doesn't make much sense. Maybe getting yelled at a little, don't they realize how rare good powder is here?
  22. Yeah I was in the woods on Lightning. Even better than that one on runaway is a huge back country run off the side of fast track. You go 1/4 mile deep and it runs all the way down the mountain. The trees are spaced perfectly too, there is one spot that is just like a huge open field covered in snow.
  23. Too bad you wern't at montage today. Powder EVERYWHERE!!! The woods were amazing. White Lightning was the best I've ever ridden it. The wind was pretty bad at times, but the north face cut down on it pretty well.
  24. Schif


    I love this kind of snow. Its such a treat. I'm definately concidering tearing up my local golf course.
  25. 2/2 is also another one of those Froggy 101 nights. $10.13 tickets. Do they even have coins in those booths to give change like that?
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