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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Thanks! I appreciate that. My last 2 boards have been a 159 Wide. I've been locked into wide boards since I was in high school thanks to my annoying size 12 boots.
  2. Looks like a pretty awesome board. Solid all around hard charger it seems. You'll have to let us know how those struts in there feel once you get it moving.
  3. Saw this poll online today. How would you guys vote and what do you think of the results? Also I loathe their use of thru but whatever.
  4. I think they are mostly saying that if you like the look of cord you better be there between 8 and 8:80am
  5. Any guesses on when PA will stop putting out these daily maps? There's probably some low to mid level guy in Harrisburg who's job it is to update the template every morning and email it out to someone to publish it up. It's not bad work but it's not his dream. The guy is working from home which is a definite step up from the plaster walls of the windowless room where his Dell Desktop had been set up on a brown table. Sure there were birthday parties occasionally but the drudgery of that life wore on him. Should I try to get a new job? Maybe, but these benefits are nice and I don't even know where I would start to look during pandemic. Next year. Yeah definitely next year I'll be ready to branch out and find a job I love. Next year never comes, each step in comfortable brown shoes is one closer to retirement, that's when things will be better....
  6. Maybe we shouldn't have two non governmental private organizations completely running the show and dictating the abilities of people to run for office?
  7. Let's not forget that for the most part things are indeed open. Maybe not fully or how they were in January but they are open. The economy took a hit but didn't completely tank. Most jobs that are lost or are on the fence are in the very specific leisure sector. All in all things are pretty OK.
  8. Thanks for the International Data. I'm finding that to be more interesting than US data lately. This is just me being a random dude who like skiing and likes going on the internet, but in my completely irrelevant and not particularly highly educated opinion what you're seeing is the inevitable. Severe lockdowns will decrease cases to a point, it will never be nonzero. Opening up in any capacity will cause spikes around the reopening and then an eventual plateau. I don't think it's possible to contain this or any virus without complete and total lockdown. I've been running this thought experiment through my head for a while now. If our goal is elimination of this Coronavirus, which it seems to be after we shifted the goal posts a few times, then the only way to actually have a shot is the most intense lockdown the human population has ever seen. Give everyone 6 weeks notice to prep and get everything they need and then put in place a full blown, don't leave your home, lockdown for 4 weeks until everyone who has the virus has had it pass through their system until they are not infectious. If all 7.954 Billion of us can get that done then I think we've got this beat. As we've seen though from how this all began is that as long as there is any of this virus in the world it will absolutely spread again. Realistically if we took the most extreme measures possible and got this virus down to 1% of it's current reach it would likely come back to where it is now after lockdowns are lifted because the few that have it cannot stop spreading it. I think one of the reasons we saw good numbers out of Europe for the longest time was that with their restrictions people were staying put in their own countries more. Just a complete guess but I would imagine Americans cross state borders at a higher rate than Europeans cross national boarders.
  9. Wolf didn't give up on it and has infinitely more control over Pennsylvania than Donald.
  10. Whenever I hear Berks County I always think about the Berks Hot Dogs
  11. Looks like you've got a possible future in Graffiti.....
  12. They will absolutely need both high speeds running so I really hope they got the bugs worked out over the summer so the crowds can be spread.
  13. The smartest move would be to add some guns into his plan and make it a full blown ATF chair.
  14. I would imagine the risk would be fairly minimal when on a lift where you're moving through a column of air, especially on a high speed, which will likely push any breath that might escape your mask away and behind you fairly quickly. I would love to see an experimental model run to show how this would look, kind of similar to that graphic that was posted a while back about where your breath goes when you're running and how it affects other runners.
  15. I mean if you look at the charts I just posted, you can guess that someone our age is more likely to die doing almost anything else besides die from Covid.
  16. One can also look at an actuarial table and realize that the act of skiing is in and of itself a risk, one which likely poses greater chance of personal harm than the virus does. The virus only adds in a small additional layer of risk on top of an already risky endeavor, which you have consciously and of free will decided to partake in. A cautious person would therefore have to concede that they are worried about one risk but not another by looking for a Covid accommodation on a mountain. To bring it full circle, you can argue that the act of skiing has a built in risk aversion system in the way that you ski, the speed you ski, and the trails and conditions you choose to ski on. Therefore the amount of risk inside of the risk bubble that is skiing is up to you personally. When it comes to Covid then the same can apply and those who choose to ride the lift with others are free to do so while those who are mitigating the risk across the board are free to do so at their own pace as well.
  17. Chart time! Based on data pulled from PA's Covid Dashboard today.
  18. Would you feel comfortable riding the six with 6 or 7 people on it?
  19. As with most things, the more pressing issue in the moment will win out. Once lines get really long I'm sure people that had been very concerned with not riding with strangers will eventually give up and hop on with whoever because they are just sick of standing in line. Plus the kinds of people that would stick to their guns that hard all day long anyway probably aren't going out and about to ski anyway.
  20. Nothing sounds more appealing than putting on gloves that have been worn by 50 strangers before me....
  21. Sounds like they pretty much left us alone. There will definitely be pissed off people who find out they can't buy tickets at a window when they show up at noon on MLK weekend though.
  22. The ski twist is my new favorite song
  23. As impractical as this sounds to us, imagine what it does in the mind of someone from NYC when they look at the map of the place.
  24. Woke up cold this morning, thought to myself for a minute about No Heat November, and then promptly cranked the thermostat to 75.
  25. Religion as a lie is like physics. Depending on the scale and way you're looking at it the laws either make complete sense or are off the wall insane. Both are right.
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