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Everything posted by Schif

  1. That's awesome how the stadium is built into the mountain. Really beautiful.
  2. Are the Militias well regulated?
  3. Why the United States is having a coronavirus data crisis https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02478-z
  4. I find it hard to believe there is a coherent system that would actively link the two though. My best guess is that if you had an LCTF it would not be a problem to get a Medical Card. I'm assuming that there would not be a revocation of the LCTF after you got the Medical Card, but if you were to get arrested your LCTF wouldn't hold up. However if you have the Medical Card and apply for the LCTF, they might find that during the check and would deny you. These are total guesses and I am absolutely not a legal scholar. Sounds like there are quite a few LCTFs here. PASR day at the range?
  5. The next month or so is pretty booked up for me, but maybe one of these days I'll hit you up and head over to this place.
  6. Overly hot. The bubble has to burst soon. There is no way in hell an old rowhome on my street in Philly is worth $275k but that's what one just sold for.
  7. You can also find a surge in the city though. Three houses on my block sold within the past 2 months. **Anecdote Alert****
  8. But it's perfectly OK to be on other psychoactive medications and continue to have your carry permit and own firearms........
  9. You're ugly, stupid and can't ski very well. Better?
  10. I think they are just trying to look at things in the aggregate. Example: The Toyota corolla is a wildly popular car and lots of people are buying them. "Yeah but my two friends just bought Tahoes and my aunt just got a Tesla." No one is denying that these 3 bought Chevys and Teslas but as a whole Toyotas are more popular.
  11. Where are you finding this data? Not trying to be a smart ass btw, I'm legitimately curious as to data sources and I bet your answer won't make me search through an infuriating folder for a premade SQL query because our systems are too annoying for me to write one from scratch.
  12. I have a little lunch box that kind of looks like a pail. Though sometimes I just throw the leftovers in a grocery bag and tie it up and toss it in the fridge if the pyrex bowl thing is too big for my lunch pail.
  13. You have a point and I have not reason to disbelieve that this person you're mentioning and some others are leaving the city due to violence/looting/rioting etc. Other than a few stores being boarded up (including the Acme and Wawa which were annoying) and the group that stands on Lincoln Drive during rush hour with their black lives matters signs I can say ***Anecdotally** that most of the unrest, etc. has not affected me that much. My opinion of this might be quite different had I been living in the center city area when these protests are happening. All I'm really saying is that there isn't a granular level of detail recorded when people are moving out of cities. There are scores of reasons to leave the major cities right now and I've said for years one of the silliest things we as humans have done is decide that we need to live so incredibly densely packed together, it's not natural and causes more headaches than it's really worth. That being said people are indeed leaving cities, myself included, and all we really have in terms of data on it is where they move from and where they move to. I'm assuming most of this comes from the Post Office records when you file for a change of address with them. The answer is that yes, everyone is right. People are leaving to avoid violence, people are leaving because Covid caused them to not be able to afford it, people are leaving because there are too many restrictions on them now, they are leaving because cities are not nearly as fun now as they used to be, they are leaving because their newly remote job allows them to go anywhere they please. Oddly enough I don't fall into any of these categories! Statistician mumbo jumbo sucks, but that's how you draw meaningful conclusions from big things. The worst part of all of this is that due to the lack of distinct data, you can bend the numbers to prove your own point. In a world where computers and smartphones make it insanely easy to obtain information one of the most powerful things you can do is admit to yourself that you just don't have an answer. Depends on what hat I'm wearing that day.
  14. I'm fleeing the crumbling and corrupt city of Philadelphia for the safety and security of Wayne. It should be noted that this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that my lease ended and the suburbs are much closer to work and school. I made the decision based exclusively on the fact that the Mayor was caught eating indoors when he banned indoor eating in the city.
  15. This is the truth. ^^^^^^ Things like this though are so tough to actually quantify though. For example I am currently moving out of the city. Without asking me why, you just get the data point of a white male leaving a predominantly black neighborhood in Philadelphia to move to a wealthy white suburb. Easy to draw a conclusion there if you wanted to.
  16. Am I the only one who has seen @GrilledSteezeSandwich eat things off of the ground? Please make this a reality. I'll assist in any way possible to get this going.
  17. eating dropped snacks off of the ground is still fair game though
  18. I've said it from day 1. Most data that gets reported in terms of Covid is trash data and you cannot make a meaningful conclusion from it. I'm going to ski this year, i'm going to snowboard this year. I'm going to have fun doing it. I'm still hanging around in the lot afterwards and I'll likely get on an airplane at some point this winter to go play skiing. Maybe I won't shove my hand in the communal cheese ball bucket and maybe there will be more solo cups involved when sharing tasty beverage sips.
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the majority of the stuff at Sturgis outdoors?
  20. "Based on the increase in case count, the researchers group, estimated that cases connected to the gathering resulted in $12 billion in public health costs, not including the costs associated with any deaths that might be tied to cases from the event. That dollar amount is based on another estimation that an average of $46,000 is spent on each patient who tests positive for COVID-19." I mean really. Come on. Do people just truly not care what kind of nonsense they write and publish? This is the equivalent of a @GrilledSteezeSandwich post of an article. It exists but no one really is sure why or what the point is.
  21. Is anyone here a JFBB passholder this year? Side note: who has gotten IKONic and/or EPIC so far?
  22. So it sounds like the only time this will be an issue for anyone here is in two situations; going on a trip somewhere, which is planned out in advance typically anyway so no huge deal there, or when trying to use the buddy pass, but it's more on the buddy to schedule the reservation than anything else.
  23. Oh well then it's a no brainer. Go get her, enjoy some hiking and write a TR!
  24. It all depends on how risk averse the school is. University of Alabama has 1200+ cases on campus and is still going strong whereas Temple shut down the rest of the semester with 212 cases.
  25. Philly Jumped from 65 to 257. Something doesn't seem quite right there.
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