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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Didn't realize you were so against Airbus
  2. I'm definitely trying intergalactic snowtubing by the end of the year.
  3. I'm happy they are solidifying what we already have open. There's plenty of season left for another cold snap and to open more trails. You know what they say, anything before Arbor Day is a bonus.
  4. Saturday is the plan for this week. I'm hoping for something resembling real snow that might keep me out there for more than an hour and a half. Big tubing race this weekend?
  5. Tubers don't get their best lane taken away each weekend by the tubing race team.
  6. Maybe in the morning they can play some 80s music videos on the screen to go with the 80s music they play over the speakers.
  7. Rough out there today for sure. Only up side I guess was that there weren't really any lines. Blue was definitely making money today. Race team on razors, other race team on Curzis Widow, Cross team piled up at the intersection to Falls and at least 3 groups of Adventure camp. They weren't leaving money on the table
  8. You guys are killing it!
  9. Saturday
  10. This is hands down the best trip report of the year so far. Keep on killing it! Major jealousy right now.
  11. Part of me would love a little cabin near Blue. The rest of me doesn't want to buy anything in a bombed out zinc valley. Even if Blue blows up in the next 15 years I find it hard to believe local property values would go up because of it.
  12. The dancing will only slow down and stop when there's some pressure against it. The insanity that is ski ticket prices and the Taylor Swift thing just shows that there's such a gigantic middle/upper middle class in this country with disposable income and all of those people are more interested in being entertained than they are putting that money in the bank. If people weren't paying these prices then they would drop back down, but they are so they won't.
  13. I would love Professor Law to give a talk in the lot one day. Preferably with a PowerPoint. No rules. Just get up there, show what you want and talk about whatever.
  14. When you're up there it looks like you're flying by following things on the ground that you can identify. Is that right? Also when it's time to go home to the airport do you follow landmarks or do you use instruments or a compass?
  15. Glad it's snowing up at Blue. Been pouring rain in Philly for 24 hours now. I hope they get some good temps to turn the guns on too.
  16. A few hours later and you would have been airborne if you skied that line the same way. Most of the place was floaty potatoes with a few deep sugar spots. Ultra rowdy on NMDW. The kind of snow where you need super soft knees and just surf it out. In the snow from 6-8. Cosmic snow tubing looks pretty cool.
  17. I know it's a long shot, but is anyone going up tonight? I'll probably stop for a few runs when I'm leaving NEPA and headed back to Philly
  18. Saturday for sure, Sunday is looking unlikely with an 8:15 start time for the Eagles game.
  19. 4 hours for the low economical price of $60 to ski in the rain
  20. Opening remarks? I really hope they hire @Johnny Law as the speech writer for this.
  21. Easy like Sunday morning
  22. Have the armed guard stand under the lift line and yell at people to not drop their cans
  23. Blue is stuck between a rock and a hard place with the trash. You're right, people don't care about the trash can and still drop cans everywhere but it's almost impossible to enforce a rule about people dropping cans and it's also pretty impractical to send someone, or a few people, out to clean that up multiple times per week.
  24. Elk is closing Wednesday. WVIA ski day is being postponed. Blue definitely has some thin spots on some trails but they are likely in better shape than some of the other resorts in PA. I wonder how they are going to hold up.
  25. Good day at Blue and a good day back home on the bike.
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