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Everything posted by Schif

  1. 0.00000%
  2. Like No Heat November, I wonder if I can do a No Unnecessary Spending April??
  3. So I'm putting off a Blue pass but now I want a kayak or SUP..... Also I definitely need skis, maybe snowboard bindings and a bike. Good thing the shops are all closed or I would be on a shopping spree
  4. That's a great fun fact. I wonder how the flying pig is doing in these uncertain times.
  5. I would imagine that's directly related the number of people traveling to and from NYC.
  6. Just for fun: Delco 564,696 Montco 826,075 Philly 1,584,138 2,974,909 That's a lot of people in this little corner of the state.
  7. I haven't re-upped my Blue Pass either. I kind of feel weird making semi frivolous purchases at this point.
  8. Still Rocking and Rolling here in Exton. As of now there are no plans to shut down our plant at all since we fall into the categories defined by the governor. We were all handed a letter to give to anyone that might stop us on the roads identifying us as essential employees. Thankfully I'm all the way in a back corner of the building and don't really interact with many (if any) people throughout the day. I'm completely refusing to go down on the production floor at this point. There are way too many people down there in relatively close quarters.
  9. There was a guy crossing Lincoln Drive heading into Wissahickon yesterday with a gigantic pack on. Looked like he was planning on spending a week in the park.
  10. Womp Womp. Guess I'll just rebook for next winter. Are southwest rebookings good for 12 months from purchase or are they calendar year?
  11. I'm being optimistic because I don't see pessimism serving anyone here. I mean there is definitely a middle ground to be had in this whole thing. Everyone going about their business right now is a bad idea, but so is paralyzing the country for months on end. I'm seeing parallels here between the response here and the wars in the middle east since 9/11. What's the end game? Are we going to clamp down harder and harder until there are no cases being reported? Or do we have a reasonable amount of new cases that we consider acceptable to have happen when things go back to normal? I don't see this as being the kind of situation where there can be a "victory" announced.
  12. In your legitimately expert opinion, seriously no sarcasm there, how long do you think the closures will go on for?
  13. I didn't cancel my Denver flight just yet. Maybe things shake out in my favor and at the very least I get a long weekend of hiking in out there.
  14. Cold Rain in Exton
  15. First weekend in months I wasn't up early. My internal clock is telling me that it's almost time to crack a beer and take off boots though.
  16. Salads are pretty easy considering the state of the world. The produce and fruit section of every store is quite well stocked but the other aisles are being picked clean.
  17. Update: Posting from work. We slid into this thin category of plastics manufacturer that can stay open. I'm quietly sitting in my corner equal parts enjoying my new monitors that just arrived and being pretty annoyed that I still am using them. Also I'm eating a granola bar and drinking water.
  18. When are these kind of articles going to stop happening and we get to the point where every university, every big company, and every city has confirmed cases?
  19. Fixed it for you
  20. With or without @skiincy's dog?
  21. A quick thought on the number of cash transactions. There are always going to be a certain number of people who don't necessarily want their purchasing to be tracked and will use cash for these kind of things. Before it seems like I"m talking about conspiracy theorists think about college kids who would rather use cash at the bar or liquor store rather than their parents seeing it on the statement, or the guy that buys skis with cash from a shop so his wife doesn't realize how much he actually spent on his 9th pair of skis in 2 years.....
  22. Update: my place of work is still going strong. I just keep washing my hands a lot and stay in my corner of the room which is thankfully pretty far away from other people. It's not really too concerning for me to come into work right now because I really just keep to myself over here but I feel for the people who are working down on the production floor. It's a lot more dense with people down there in a factory setting and they are constantly touching the machines and passing papers around.
  23. Speaking of unemployment, my mom works in one of those offices and they are getting slammed. Considered an essential service they are not closing and not working from home.
  24. I see no downside to this at all.
  25. Don't really need to worry about disinfecting skis anymore......
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