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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Maybe a PASR trip to Montage might be in the cards?
  2. You can't beat that ticket deal at Montage.
  3. This is why I stick to the parking lot
  4. Is the food and beer at least good?
  5. Doesn't work that way
  6. I'll throw a few bucks in a pot to get Salty a lap dance
  7. Have fun and post a report! How are the glades up top?
  8. Economy lot is the way to go. I'm not messing with these third party places or whatever. Last time I flew PHL I was on Southwest who's terminal is the closest to the Economy lot and I actually got a parking spot near the lot entrance so I just walked for 5 minutes to my car.
  9. Schif

    gift cards

    My girlfriend found an old Dunkin Donuts giftcard I had in a drawer for some reason. She kept asking for me to give it to her so I put it in her stocking at Christmas. It had a balance of $.57. Best gift I've ever given.
  10. I hope the glades will be good now!
  11. Are you enjoying the Electric City? Swing by Montage while you're there.
  12. It's probably just the way that my apartment complex is built/set up but I didn't hear a thing last night.
  13. Salty, does this mean you're going to Camelback next year?
  14. I might be in the market for some footbeds soon. I think my boots are getting packed out a bit and felt a little loose yesterday.
  15. I stayed in bed past 7 for the first time in months. Definitely missing the mountain today but the rest wasn't the worst thing for me.
  16. It wasn't quite sugar. Tasted like splenda when I got a face full at the intersection before falls.
  17. Big herds of deer, big flocks of geese. Man you've got a lot of animals going on.
  18. Blue Mountain would be all blue trails obviously. It's right there in the name. In my experience though all the trails that are open are usually white, occasionally they will have a slightly brown trail too. Sidewinder was a green until about 6 weeks ago if I recall.
  19. I better get on the hill ASAP or I might miss out on the end of my own balls
  20. Bite your tongue. I need some cold air in my life
  21. Schif


    Sounds like a maybe
  22. I'll be there Saturday. Disappointing that Phillycore wont' be there, barely seen you this year man. Get well soon and get back after it.
  23. Because someone wouldn't give up a certain hat.....
  24. The final countdown was played a lot in college for some reason. Unclear as to why
  25. I wonder what it would be like to ski on a clear night under a big super moon with the trail lights off
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