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Everything posted by Schif

  1. Everyone knows the first two hours are the best of the day. Get some granola bars for the hotel and get out there.
  2. Stayed for an hour or so after you guys left. The snow that was falling was adding up nicely on the hill and the surface was pretty smooth. Slick spots were still there but the edges of the trails were a nice consistency and lent themselves to some nice turns until I gave up and headed home. Got stuck on the wrong side of main street chair though so I wound up using that for a ride, Main Street was pretty great as was paradise.
  3. I'll be in the lower lot bright and early tomorrow morning. See you guys there.
  4. I'll grab some beer to consume
  5. Obviously I'll be there for opening. What time can you go in and get your tickets?
  6. Either tomorrow or sunday. Not sure which yet.
  7. Thanks for the TR, hopefully conditions firm up a bit and settle by the weekend.
  8. Watched one of his movies today while I did some waxing and tuning. RIP
  9. Schif

    Ouray TR

    This was one of the best TRs I've read in a while, so awesome. Way to get after it Barb, that looks killer. Definitely something I couldn't do.
  10. Yep, see you guys next weekend.
  11. Yeah I wouldn't recommend skiing under any of the lifts there. Even if there is enough coverage to hide the rocks, you can (and I have) hit a snowmaking pipe and then you'll have a bad time.
  12. The Mighty Susq! The longest non-navigable river in the country! You were a lot closer to the less mighty but even more polluted Lackawanna river. Glad to see you got out there and explored the Mighty 'Tage. Looks like tackled white lightning, how was it? Did you explore the trees at all?
  13. I kind of miss living 10 minutes from Troegs
  14. I'll definitely take you up on that at some point this year. Can't hurt to try out a bunch of shit while I'm figuring it all out. Thanks
  15. I will be the first few times I try to use skis.
  16. It's kind of a daunting move though. I honestly wouldn't even know where to begin on buying a pair of skis or boots.
  17. I'll be a blue passholder next year for sure. I'l wind up buying it at the end of this year to try to ride out a few weeks. I planned on being up at blue pretty much every weekend by now but unfortunately life has gotten in the way a little bit. I'm hoping the off snow things slow down soon and I'll be riding the six pack and drinking six packs in a week or two. I didn't get converted by anything but location really. To me my home mountain will always be Montage, there is just something about that place that will always have my heart. Blue is the closest mountain to me, not counting Spring mountain which is 5 miles away. I'm not really looking forward to the commute to and from Blue, but I guess you have to do what you have to do. The upside is that I'll get to see all of you guys on a regular basis instead of just sporadically, and once I've got that pass I'll try to make the full transition to skis.
  18. A few weeks I hope. I just came back from the funeral of one of my oldest friends and the guy that I've spent the most amount of time on a mountain with. Kind of bummed out and not really in the mood to get out on the mountain yet. This will be the first season since I was 11 that I won't get to ride with him. So I'll definitely be up at Blue, but I don't think I'm ready yet.
  19. I didn't even know that the freezing rain was coming since I was out of town for the weekend. Then I got a call from a guy who sounded like the impending weather meant the sky was falling and he cancelled my meeting with him. Weird. So I got to go home early and watch 15 minutes of ice fall. I guess it did give my car a good coating, but the roads didn't seem that bad.
  20. I was under the impression that they only let them on one trail and then closed that one to skiers. Guess I haven't paid too much attention to the airboard world lately. Glad to see that Montage is making some serious progress with terrain expansion. I was up that way for Christmas but didn't get a chance to get on the snow.
  21. A few years ago they attempted to have a small shack (pretty much exactly what the PASR shack would be) with ticket windows on it right in the parking lot next to the snow at the Phoebe Snow lift. There was a small fire pit, some benches and I think they might have had some light snacks and hot chocolate for sale. They were trying to cater to the guys that wanted to just boot up and head right down Smoke or Boomer, but that idea and the shack were ditched along with the Moose a number of years ago. Good idea in theory, but realistically I don't think there are enough non passholders that want to completely avoid the main lodge that bad to warrant having it there.
  22. Beautiful layout. I have a similar PRR steam engine but I'm an O-scale guy.
  23. I saw a guy in Scranton the night before Thanksgiving rollerblading around the hill section. Probably one of the more strange things I've seen this month.
  24. Maybe the announcement is that they built a new waterslide on Marjie's
  25. I showed the picture of that cosmic tubing to my girlfriend and before I could say "look how dumb that is" she got really excited and asked if we could go. I'm hoping she forgets about it soon.
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