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Everything posted by Dominant05

  1. Last year bear had a yellow plastic picnic table, but the problem was it would constantly get covered in 3' of ice or slush or snow (when i was there), i didn't see the wooden one this year though... I still like Bear more, Blue's terrain is way to fast for my liking, I want to be able to hit as many features as i can, bear i can do that so easily compared to blue. in my opinion
  2. , i didn't look through the other ones haha. It sounds pretty awesome to me.. I can't wait, has their been any news on them selling it? Or is there another thread about that haha, becasue I haven't checked that one recently either.
  3. I heard from someone that their ripping out the challenge lift and putting in a 6 person high speed lift?? Sounds pretty sick to me, anyone else hear anything of the sort??
  4. The weather this week could be tough on that though... Lets hope not... I was up at Camelback today, and they were talking 60's this week ... Lets just hope that is not true!
  5. I was up at Bear the other night, and we got sick of the little kids in the terrain park, after I was dropping in a rail some little midget comes out of no where moving like a snail onto the rail i was about to hit, messing me up completing being i had to stop right in front of the rail to watch him wave his arm in the air and ride over the side of the rail and keep happily riding away... So we decided to go ride the other side, after getting off the triple lift we decided to go over to by Timberline (which was a disappointment being it was closed with nothing but 2 feet of leaves...) So the trail going leading over there, i think its called Bear Pass? but anyways, these 5, 10 yr olds decide their going to be funny, and sit where the trail merges to the other trail going over there, 1 sits down, then the next sat down next to him, all interlocking their boards, but what was even better, they were facing up trail so they can see the people coming at them, so they can see their faces apparently when they realize there is no where to go, becuase the woods had no snowcover so you could not even avoid them... My buddy and I just rode straight at them, acting as if they werent even there, and when we were right on top of them, one moved his board a little so some how managed to jump over them, sure enough they remained to sit there after this... It's kids like these who make park passes sound like a genius idea. but where is ski patrol when these knuckleheads do this crap? Its bad when the kids who sit in the middle of the trials begin to block off a whole entire trail, thats NOT even near the terrain park. It's kids who ruin the jumps by thinking their amazing by jumping over the lil jumps aside of rails not even looking or noticing they cut anyone else off.... Someone please do something, soon
  6. How about redoing the lower terrain park?? Even down there, it's nice when theres side jumps, i like riding those sometimes, just saves me the aggervation of dealing with the little midgets flying around doing whatever they want... also allows you to avoid the morons sitting 5 people across on the trail watching their buddy up ahead getting pryed off the jump because fell, just so the next one goes and does the same exact thing...
  7. It would be pretty hard for a handle tow or a carpet, because a whole lot of trails merge, so it would be kinda tough unless you rely on all those people to hit a kicker to cross over top of the tow or the carpet... But wait, that would really make things interesting... haha
  8. No one really left an answer, does Bear own the other side of the mountain? and maybe willing to build trails there?? I heard this same stuff last season, possibly a lodge up top of the mountain and the other side have trails??
  9. Park Passes=Black Diamond Passes= Eventually they will have trails designated to slow skiing trails, similiar to friggin Blue. What of the moutain will be left?? Bear is already small compared to other mountains. But in my opionon far better (considering @ blue if your going a bit faster than a snail, they immediately rip you aside). Why not try to resolve the issues, instead of ski patrol always riding over by the triple lift (where I see them 90% of the time), and have them patrol the park, pulling people who sit around in the park doing nothing (ah, visions of Blue's Berma Road... ) or people who just are complete morons in the park. I hate approaching jumps and some little kid (yes in general the 8 yr old population are pretty good at this) will decide he wants to get up and cuts me off. Or the people who congegate around a single rail and watch their buddies completely mess up and walk back up to the group, no one else can hit these rails with them sitting around them.
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