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    Blue MT

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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. I am as upset as the next person about the warm weather but no one can control mother nature. This is the best start the mid atlantic ski areas have ever seen. You had a chance to ski three days at Blue before December. Go back to 2001 when Blue first opened on 12/26/08 now that was a crappy December. 70 degrees and shorts ruled that month. Go out and get some.
  2. I had the opportunity last March to ski at the Knob and I would agree hands down it is the best in PA. I would love to ski the place with a foot of fresh snow. Great terrian no crowds middle of no where.
  3. 1st day of the 08-09 season. Had a great day skiing with Jeff and Jordon. Snow was weird at first but got used to it as the day went on. Overall it was a great first day.
  4. Read there conditions page and you will see they are blowing snow on other terrain besides the park.
  5. I doubt Blue will blow tonight. I would bet they start tomorrow night.
  6. I'm right there with yah steeze. Camelback ended last season why not let it start this season.
  7. GSS I heard possibly a gentlemens club. Thats the rumors going around town. I have my fingers crossed.
  8. sweet virgin powder
  9. Toast Huck a cliff and ski some poe for me.
  10. You guys are two lucky sobs
  11. Steeze I know all about the work thing on Monday I plan on doing a half day of that then hitting the boot in the pm. Asian invasion will be in full force plus the jeans for ski pants will be kicking. Maybe I will get the hunting camo out. As far as News Years day I will be at the Boot for opening bell. Plan on skiing during the cold spell next week before the January thaw takes hold starting on the 8th of January. Get out the t shirts and shorts.
  12. I'll be there bright and early!!! see yall in the mornin
  13. Doug They blue snow on dice, razors, and barneys. I left around 10:00 after skiing numerous runs in the bumps. It was starting to get crowded. Had a good time. Nice crisp morning of skiing
  14. Just want to say hi to everyone its my first post. I skied a few runs with Atomicskier and Doug. Im the guy in the yellow jacket. See you guys tomorrow. Im off to bed.
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