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Everything posted by XSnowboard29X

  1. yeaaaaahhhhhh im gonna be up at Rochester NY next week, friday thru monday, and its looking awesome as far as snow goes....last time I was there they didnt expect it to snow and it snowed like 5-7 inches....so hopefully if thier excpecting snow ill see atleast 10!!!!!!!
  2. awesome vid
  3. This is probably a really stupid question but...im a new boarder and i really want to go to the terrian park and ride the half pipe and everything else but ive never done it before....so how would i learn? should i just try it (not the half pipe right away but smaller things)???
  4. XSnowboard29X

    Gear ???

    i have to get some snowboarding pants, boots and a helmet....anyone know where the best and cheapest place would be??
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